
Counterpoint: When young punks started hasslin' people, he made it his bidness.

Barry and Levon: where did you get two hundred and forty dollars worth of pudding?

Muppet Satan was hilarious.

Best ROI is 3 houses.

*Walter Matthau voice*
"Great Googily Moogily"

"I was gonna try to be pithy, but… I'm just… I'm just… I'm not."

It's the Dunning-Krueger effect.

They let you grab 'em by the cloaca, when you're president. You can move on them like a hen.


Ann relaxes by listening to Led Zeppelin.

Fun Fact: the asian doctor that was bloodied while being forcibly removed was giving up his seat for Ann Coulter.

*ding ding ding*
Give the ellipsis a kewpie doll!

Ghoulish. I'm surprised there are photos of her in natural light.

the only adjectives he knows are all synonyms for wealth, luxury, and opulence. Otherwise, he uses "very", or "very, very" if it's especially impressive to him.

Yes, thank you. Too many people who mock Trump are coherent. You've really captured his thing, here.

Well fudge that sugar. Fudge it straight to heck, where a demon with a thousand wee-wees fudges it, forever.

The beautiful people.
The beautiful people.
The beautiful people.

The best people.

I kind of want to make a "reposted Shankz serial killa clown comments" profile, and only ever post that one glorious comment.
Over and over.

But you learned. So, yay!