
Well, yeah. Those are other people, why would he stress about bad things that happen to them? I mean, JO called him names, that's real stress.

Why don't you just go to the supermarket and get your meat from a source that doesn't kill animals, like a sane person? huh? HUH?

I see you've played arby's / spoony before.


"Oh, Thaank YoU!"

Yeah, we had PHA-Q written everywhere, too.

Three feet tall and false teeth?

Yeah, dark humor is like food.
Not everybody gets it.

I was a white suburban teenager when the OJ Simpson trial happened.
Afterwards, an acquaintance of mine, who was black, and I were talking about the outcome. She said that she was really relieved when he was found not guilty. I made an assumption and asked "Because you think he's innocent?"

Some leaders are Caesar, some are Nero.

The nation needs more than two parties.
When you have two parties, you have a choice between on/off, black/white, party centric whoreshit. Time makes those positions polarize and you get ridiculous shit like a Trump presidency.

Over and over, and over, ad nauseum, ad infinitum.

Like the kid who became a car when he ate spicy food.

reluctant upvote.

The Gorgs.

No, no, no. Not a remake. The hip hop artist who writes the score will sample it, though.

Iron Eagles 2: Top Gun 2


I hope beyond hope that's actually what they go with. If there's going to be a crappy Top Gun sequel 25 years too late, I want it as cringeworthy as possible. Like, "The Room" bad.

An excellent combination.