
Boston Turner Overdrive

My radio station keeps playing Dawes like it's a thing. Ugh.

Let's get Amanda Palmer to do it. Probably as Dresden Dolls, because, man, can she carry a tune.

Oh, so spoon, then?

I'd kill for a Doom/Dr Strange film. I loved the story arc that revealed Dr. Doom as a master sorcerer on top of all of his technological skill.

God, I love that shitty movie. I think I'll watch it tonight after work.

Elric is pretty cool. He was designed to be the opposite of Conan. So, now we know, the polar opposite of awesome is awesome.

…but the flame of twue wuv was the real weapon!

Rainier Wolfcastle?

Noodles, swimming in a nice madras curry.

The fans might take a stand in the place where you are, now face north forget about making sense of some of his lyrics, though.

He's my favorite.
So many good movie.


Native Pennsylvanian, here. I lived in Seattle '98-'99. You have more to fear from a light dusting of snow. It was fun watching the double length buses fold in the middle and slide down capitol hill, unable to move after having pulled free from the overhead power. :)

Except this. Just this ashtray.

When are we going to wait until?

No argument from me on that account.
I was just replying to Miller's query regarding the usage.