
Can you put Schwartz in a Schlitz?

Two Words: Corey Haim

I like to imagine that Liefeld pronounces the "w".

I keep thinking, and this is dark, but I keep thinking about the funny guys we lost while they were still funny.
Farley, Hicks, Belushi, etc.
Then I think "would we still love them, had they lived?"
I mean for every George Carlin that goes strong until death, how many Adam Sandlers and Mike Myers do we get?

Smoking hot burka lady.
"I want to touch the Burka."
*Adam Sandler makes leering Adam Sandler faces.*

That picture at the top is screaming "RAEP TRAIN DON'T STOP" to me.

42 children! For chanting "baldy, baldy!"

Can I say, The Cosby pictures that used to be interpreted by my brain as charming and somewhat bland are now being interpreted as ominous and sinister.

You make me wish I had three extra hands.


MC Hawking was a pretty neat nerdcore band, like, ten? years ago.
Lemme lookit up…
Yeah, 2000-2004

Gamera is really neat.

Up voted for perfectly capturing Newhart.

So it's exactly like Tuesday's with Morrie?

You can't just knit like it belongs to you.
That's appropriation.

Statler: There's nothing like a good mash-up!
Waldorf: And that was nothing like one!

I would probably buy this. I would definitely watch it all the way through, no doubt.

I originally read that as "shitstaineeans" and though "yup, good old George at it again with his subtle species characterization"

Or we could post pictures of Brad Pitt with Steve Buscemi eyes photoshopped on.