
Thanks Beth, your article serves as journalistic lodestar to the rest of this nation.

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Gotta Be Ghostbusters. People running around with unlicensed nuclear accelerators with out properly testing them.

Anyone who actually wants to know something about corporations and the concept of corporate personhood should probably learn about it from someplace other than a science fiction blog. This article incorrectly states a number of salient facts which are clear to anyone with reasonable legal knowledge or, indeed, whose

I dont get why people dont get this. Jamie and Cersei are some of the most awful people in that whole awful world. Like there is no way in hell you should in any way shape or form ssympathize with these two. You sympathize with Walter White even though he's a anti-hero because he still has somewhat of a moral code.

Lumpy Space Princess: "Oh my Glob, Rust, now I'm begging you to STFU."

When something strange happens, someone will be there to shoot it in portrait.

Only TV lately that holds up to that Lemonhope episode is True Detective.

I dunno, man...I really love a lot of the "filler" episodes. Just looking back on this past season we had Rootbeer Guy, Shh!, Dungeon Train, A Glitch is a Glitch...fucking Mystery Dungeon! What other show aimed primarily at children — no, scratch that — what show aimed at any age group would do a Cube parody?