that other honda guy

Sawzall my friend. Just trim down to the nubs and put the carpet back over. Doubt they would ever find out lol

I know where it is... getting an actual makeover, and not the shitty West Coast Customs kind.

So techincally renting the car for a few days of race prep and racing would cost less than the $500 limit for the 24 hours LeMons... I smell a new strategy.

That is like saying "Would you like to have a girl that has been "crashed" into by Larry King. The answer, although very tempting, will always result in a no.

I was really hoping it was either this asshole took it as a prank, or someone took it and sold it for scrap to get some crack money.

We are about to receive quirky information about the Gawker media sites, and otherwise unnecessary personal comments regarding strange habits and lusts. Then the Gawker media sites are about to do a full throttle crash into another site with no movement. We will then be offline for a while, and be told it was not the

Any car that has a forum get together. I found this out when I had my S2000. Get 12 egos together going on the same road at the same time and it becomes a pure sprint to the finish line. We made a normal 1 hr. drive from town to town in 35 minutes. That was the most laws I broke in one day, and am lucky I didn't

Any car that has a forum get together. I found this out when I had my S2000. Get 12 egos together going on the same road at the same time and it becomes a pure sprint to the finish line. We made a normal 1 hr. drive from town to town in 35 minutes. That was the most laws I broke in one day, and am lucky I didn't

Any car that has a forum get together. I found this out when I had my S2000. Get 12 egos together going on the same road at the same time and it becomes a pure sprint to the finish line. We made a normal 1 hr. drive from town to town in 35 minutes. That was the most laws I broke in one day, and am lucky I didn't

+1, i also had this initial thought. I suspect it may be even newer, since some people get older wheels and install them to save $$$ on tires

At first i was like "clean M3, cutting someone off like a typical BMW driver"

Honda FCX Clarity

Honda/Acura NSX

I believe it was the one Hamster tested on top gear.

BREAKING NEWS: Man in Flordia drives over seven cop cars, then makes people think it happened elsewhere.

I noticed this is only tagged "Car Chrashes", why do you not have a tag for Florida, Naked, Crazy, or Drugs? Or are those all assumed when any story of unnatural human behavior is posted?

DLP projector you say? I can't wait to change out the bulb every 3 months.

As for the people in the supercars who can most likely afford the fines these officers are about to recieve, will walk because they were "escorted"

U Mad. Plad. Bro?

Morgan Proctor