There is an Arab drifting joke in here somewhere...
There is an Arab drifting joke in here somewhere...
At first i nearly threw up in my mouth thinking of who might possibly want this, but I suspect it depends on the driver. This persons idea, and decision to add chrome truck nuts to a Prius, can either be seriously misguided, or a hilarious prank, almost a giant "F U" to the local truck driving tools who also pack…
Why have you done no pieces about the anguish felt by the pit crew of the second place finisher?
How does that ambulance not have footage? I figured they would also have cameras, much like police vehicles
How the class will go...
Without watching the movie, how does this car continue to kill people, then look perfectly fine the next day? Its not like a serial killer that takes a shower... usually a car shows damage... especially if it hit hard enough to kill someone... r they throwing new frames under this thing every other week?
Or take my advise and have more people move in. The more people in those under-occupied areas, the more taxes being paid. The revenue would increase, while the tax rate stays the same.
"Sorry doc, I didn't hit 88 mph over the limit."
This plus GSXR 1000cc = FUN. If I get one, this will surely be done
I see this being used as a cheating device in spec miata classes... as if they don't already have enough cheating tools.
I don't buy that story for a second. She wants me to believe she was being responsible and had a DD, that flaked on her, putting her in a compromising position, ultimately making the choice to put other peoples safety in her hands... Here's an idea. "Hello Siri, I am drunk and need a ride home, can you help me."
AUDI... in all of the Top gear episodes as of late ;)
I love the "DAMN" that comes out of his mouth. Ya, you think? If you got that shaken up in your bus that weighs 6 tons+ (a low guess, i know), how do you think the poor guy in the 1.5 ton sentra feels getting whacked from the back... I don't know the math, however I can assure you he said alot more than "DAMN"... by…
Sadly, the reason eludes you since you are typing on the piece of technology that makes autotrader survive. There are 2 reasons it is surviving because of your phone/tablet/computer.
From someone that works on them almost daily, i sincerely doubt they got that, unless it was downhill the whole way. 22 yes. 25 done that personally. 30 not without help from gravity/drafting.
you can't sue just because someone else also got hit with the ugly stick
ur apply computer ran at 1 mhz? wow, dial up porn must've been pretty sweet when u first tried it
Continue driving my turbo'd fun car, that gets 30+mpg, and laugh at all the suv's/trucks getting 12- and are slower than a hover-round
Am I the only one disgusted with his abs serious lack on uniformity?