Oh absolutely me, it may be bonkers and nonsense but I LOVE the bonkers and nonsense. It’s a franchise with hours and hours of cutscenes, it’s safe to say plenty of people are drawn to that aspect.
Oh absolutely me, it may be bonkers and nonsense but I LOVE the bonkers and nonsense. It’s a franchise with hours and hours of cutscenes, it’s safe to say plenty of people are drawn to that aspect.
I’m slowly but surely getting on the “remove instant replay in all sports” bandwagon because it fucking sucks. No, I don’t want to hear about how you lost your money gambling. No, I don’t want to hear about “getting it right.” No, I don’t want you to bring up examples about how it benefited the teams I support. …
Obligatory link to one of my best friends beating Castlevania on an NES without getting hit in 2001. Sorry for the choppy look, but this was transferred from a VHS. Still the best video game accomplishment I have ever seen live.
It’s only separate if the “church” is something other than Christianity.
At least all those people who decided to skip voting in 2016 because Hillary wasn’t inspiring have that sweet, sweet moral high ground to hang out on.
How soon before other countries complain about not wanting “Evangelical law” brought into their country?
“Donald Trump (and Mitch McConnell) enabled this by selecting two right-wing Catholics to give conservatives a firm majority on the Supreme Court.”
It’s not even that. One of the direct laws their God gave them was don’t commit adultery. Trump has committed adultery multiple times throughout his life, and at least twice in his current marriage. They just pick which rules they want to follow and force them on everyone else.
But that’s just it.. its not “if god exists”..
Thanks Sen. Collins & Flake! And Mitchy as well. Roe v. Wade will be overturned in my lifetime, and its all because of states that take in more tax dollars than they pay setting the agenda.
Toucher and Rich is also the name of my Harvey Weinstein documentary.
Yeah, I definitely agree to an extent, the flat/young earth people come across as more genially dumb than the rest, but I think it’s the same type of thinking (“Why listen to what a consensus of people who have put their lives into studying this have convincingly determined when it’s easier/makes me feel smarter and…
When asked how this could have happened, Godwin noted that there was no sense in looking back.
She will have kids, hire a full time nanny, and then proclaim how easy it is to be a mom. She’ll also make light of any mom who suffered from postpartum or is too poor to afford a nanny.
Ronnie was like Anton Chigurh on his day off.
That’s all I could think the entire episode, especially with Ronnie lumbering around town high in his pajamas and a neck bandage with his larynx punched in, and yet still managing to be a formidable karate-kicking villain.
It was the best Coen Bros. movie I’ve ever seen.
Debilitating disease can’t stop Dan Patrick, it can only hope to contain him.