Digital pricing on films and TV shows is ridiculous. $20 for lower quality than a blu-ray? Why?
Digital pricing on films and TV shows is ridiculous. $20 for lower quality than a blu-ray? Why?
One thing I see this article leaves out and have not seen in the comments: When you ring your Beckoning Bell and it triggers an Invasion the invasion is actually preventable. This is because when it finds an invader and it starts to pull them in, an NPC called a Chime Maiden appears and starts doing the summoning…
Like clockwork, whenever I'd return to human form, Potato Marshal wasn't far behind. While he refused to pipe up in the Twitch chat room, he'd send me messages after our encounters. All of this, he told me, was because I decided to play the game as a royal. Remember when I wrote about how I was apparently playing…
This is getting really annoying. I want AC IV Black Flag (PC). I don't want to pay $20. I want to pay $5 but I've never seen it for under like $16.33. Why is it taking so long to come down? In fact I've seen it cheaper on PS3/360/Wii U than PC.
This is getting really annoying. I want AC IV Black Flag (PC). I don't want to pay $20. I want to pay $5 but I've… is running a deal on classic EA games all weekend. Including Jade Empire, the entire Ultima series, and the Wing Commander series. is running a deal on classic EA games all weekend. Including Jade Empire, the entire Ultima series, and the…
no to ubisoft
no to ubisoft
"Whatever works."
Definitely a hard lesson learned.
he's covered under the stand your ground law.
I was more picturing surgeons (As I said in another response to someone else, I lost twin sons to a careless surgeon), who have carelessly taken people's lives. They don't do it with a gun, but many of them do it via a lack of training or by making a mistake. Surely they don't go into a surgery planning to kill…
It is frustrating. I wasn't suggesting that they not be held accountable, or the people that affect change and policy in the police force shouldn't be held accountable. I was suggesting that a random cop in a random city, that continues to work shouldn't be.. That's all.
Honest, I'm not a stick in the mud. I like crude comedy as much as the next guy. But in the appropriate venue. Perhaps at comedy show or an R Rated movie where you know this can happen at any moment. I think what this moron did is as disgusting, repulsive, disrespectful and egotistical as I've ever seen in watching…
I'll add my voice to the masses.
Been hearing a lot of complaining about the 'tank controls'. I don't understand why people have such a tough time with them. Your character maintains orientation between camera shifts, and forward always moves them forward, its hardly 'cumbersome'.
I don't mind flyovers at all, it's when the pilots go rogue that I have concerns.
I started with just cutting back on extra helpings, garbage food etc etc and then taking walks for an hour or two. After I shed like 50lbs I ended up going to the gym for the long haul while still watching what I eat. Now after two years I'm down from 280 to 170-175 and maintaining for the most part.
Thanks for this Tyler!! The F-14 was one of my all time favorite planes when I was a kid, and is partially what got me into aerospace engineering. It also didn't help that I watch Top Gun over and ever and ever as a kid too.
I'm guessing that he felt the umpire made a bad call at some point, and that he was just Putin him in his place.
it's almost like those badgers don't care...