
Thank you very much. I agree with your opinion on a series in general. It seems like most fantasy and sci-fi releases right now are all starting a new series or already part of one. I love just reading a great self contained story. The world doesn’t always have to be in danger or at war, and the stakes don’t have

Thank you. I will check them out.

Yeah high fantasy is really what I’m looking for. I will check this stuff out. Thank you!

I actually have The Way of Kings in my cart on Amazon but haven’t pulled the trigger yet. I may have to do that.

Can anyone suggest a good fantasy series?

Childhood’s End was all I could think of the first time they entered the ship.

Maybe some of us don’t plan to double dip and buy the 3D version because I don’t give a shit about 3d, and we totally appreciate this breakdown.

She was fucking brilliant in the second season of The Leftovers. Just sayin.

Holy shit, I can actually see the details of the costume now. Still not a big fan of it though.

All the more reason to vote for Hillary, I say. I fucking love tacos.

So, I can use pretty much any usb controller? Even ps4 or xbone?

I loved it as a kid, and I think it still holds up. I think it would be worth giving another shot. The worst that could happen is you still don’t like it.


The director’s cut isn’t as good. Stick with the theatrical.

To whom exactly are we adding context though? Adding context for adults is more than likely a lost cause. Am I supposed to give my 5 year old daughter a lesson on British imperialism and how The Jungle Book reflects that? It is a kid’s movie after all. I almost feel like it is a good thing that the real world context

To whom exactly are we adding context though? Adding context for adults is more than likely a lost cause. Am I supposed to give my 5 year old daughter a lesson on British imperialism and how The Jungle Book reflects that? It is a kid’s movie after all. I almost feel like it is a good thing that the real world context

Even if there are certain auditoriums in each theater designated as texting friendly or what ever the fuck they want to call it, I will never go into another AMC theater again if they do this shit.

There isn’t a single good design in any of that shit.

I’m not very familiar with roguelikes so please forgive my ignorance, but how exactly do you beat a game like this? Do you just have to make a damn near flawless run through it? Or do you just never really beat the game?