
My issue so far is the lack of subtlety and nuance in the writing. Instead of letting a sense of dread build up we are just immediately beat over the head with it throughout the episode.

I really enjoyed the RE remaster, and I never played Zero on gamecube, so I am looking forward to this.

I do not have cable or satellite, how can I watch this?

This a thousand times. I’ve been getting my wife caught up on the series, and I can not wait for Thursday.

I really wish Image had an all you could read sub service. I honestly wish there was a way comixology could offer some sort of monthly all you can read service, but I know that isn’t very likely to happen.

Apparently I’m a fucking masochist, because I did not end up turning it down. I stuck with it, and I still enjoyed the game very much. There are some frustrating parts for sure, but I’m glad I kept it on hard. It is definitely one of my favorite games from last year. I hope they get to make a sequel.

Don’t really care for the new batmobile design.

The timeframe had already gone up to edit before I noticed my mistake.

Just realized I messed up that last sentence. It should read:

Five of the eight that I have backed, and were “promoted” on Kotaku, have been released.

Read the first book for sure. It is a great piece of weird fiction. I slogged through the second book and made it about a third of the way through the third book before I quit reading it.

I can tell you to definitely not read this book on vacation. Read it for sure, just not while you are on vacation.

I would say Dog of the South by Charles Portis. Like most of his novels, this is a road trip story. Makes for a great vacation read. Any of his books do really.

Okay, is this show really worth watching? I watched the pilot, and just found it too cheesy. But since then I’ve seen nothing but good things. I haven’t been able to really get into Arrow either. I don’t know I guess I just need to watch it myself and see what I think.

The movie isn’t perfect by any means, but over all I liked it. It is a beautiful movie. I just hated the ending.

This. So much this.

I got to play a little bit on my lunch break today and found a poster like that. Got up close to it, but it didn’t seem to do anything. How do you activate the old school levels when you find those posters?

Is there something in particular that has made you feel that way? I mean I don’t care for all of the movies he has been involved with, but there are a few good ones in there. As far as him as a person, the only thing I have to go off of are a couple of appearances on Doug Loves Movies, where he was very pleasant.

Can’t we like both and be happy?

I regretted not backing the Kickstarter, but I did preorder it and have been very impatiently awaiting it's release. Between this and Bloodborne, I am going to occupied for quite some time. I'm really looking forward to diving in to this today.