
The only problem I've had is not being able to finish the episode. I played through the last scene twice last night and if froze up at the end both times.

I am truly very sorry for you loss. I can't even begin to imagine...

Right, but you chose to illustrate that point by likening bad police officers to other bad employees from other professions, and I just don't think that works. Being a careless employee who causes the accidental death of another employee doesn't compare to actively taking someone's life, no matter the circumstances.

I did say most other instances. Even still when accidental death occurs from people being horrible employees, it was exactly that, just an accident from someone being stupid. Not someone consciously taking the life of another human being.

Except in most other instances of people being horrible employees, innocent people don't die.

The officials at the Dallas-Detroit game were not biased against Detroit.

Nice to have you Patrick. I've been a fan since your days at G4. Looking forward to reading your stuff on Kotaku.

Do I have to have a joystick to play it?

Sorry about that. That is a little embarrassing. I guess I read what I wanted to read there...

While reading that you are Norwegian but you learned Swedish I couldn't help thinking of The Thing. How MacReady kept calling the people from the Norwegian camp Swedes.

I saw all of the Swedish ones before I saw the American one. I am an American and I have no problem watching movies with subtitles. A good movie is a good movie no matter the language in my opinion. However, I do find that I have a harder time investing emotionally into the characters and story of foreign language

I've made it to the fifth mission on hard, but I am seriously considering knocking it down to medium. I was really enjoying the game until about the 4th mission. Now it is more frustrating than anything.

I need to check out the original version.

To each their own I guess. I love House of Cards. Film wise I'm more inclined to agree. The social network was ok, Girl with the Dragon Tattoo was ok, and I haven't seen Gone Girl yet. I'll still see anything Fincher does though. He has definitely earned my views for the foreseeable future.

What is wrong with House of Cards?

This is incredibly sad, and just one more reason why I will never buy or sell anything on craigslist.

I hated this game so much by the time I finished it. When it first starts out the music is great and the environments are beautiful, but the last half of the game feels like you have been walking through the same corridor while fighting the same enemy over and over for six hours.

Mistakes are made. Just like saying "a article" instead of "an article." Doesn't mean it wasn't a good read.

Does anyone know when The Wind Rises is getting a video release on the US?

Wow, three day passes are gone already. I had to buy one days passes. Was still able to get them for all three days though. It will be a four hour drive for me, but I have family just outside of the city. Going to be a lot of fun.