
I just started playing Remember Me last night and it is great. Can wait to get deeper in the game. The combat is a ton of fun.

I'm just glad I was able to get Remember Me on sale. I started playing it last night, and I'm really glad I got it. I know it had mixed reviews, but I'm having a lot of fun with it. I think the combat is fun, the setting of Neo-Paris is gorgeous, and the soundtrack is great. I went ahead and the bought the

Apparently I just don't see what everyone else does in Monaco. Can someone fill me in?

Gunpoint is the one that I'm really waiting for. I went ahead and got Mark of the Ninja because it has been on my wishlist for awhile now. But I really really really want Gunpoint to get a deal. I voted for it on the Community Sale when it was up, but it sadly did not win. That is really the only other game I'm

No problem, I'm glad I could help out. We do ok with our money. We pay all of our bills on time and all that. We just have a really hard time saving money (steam sales don't help, even though I think this year's has been underwhelming so far), which bites us in the ass sometimes because we will end up having to use

I've only used mint a tiny bit so I'm honestly not sure. What I think is great about YNAB is that you actually assign every dollar you have a certain job for it. It doesn't tie into your bank account though. You have to enter everything in yourself. This is just so you can actually see where every bit of your

Yeah I got it because my wife and I really do need a budget. We have set up our account and everything. It seems like it is going to be really useful. The program and the app syncs through dropbox. So both my wife and I can access our account info from our phones and enter new transactions when we make them. In

I don't think a single game I've voted for in the community sale has ended up winning the vote. Apparently I need to start voting for the games I don't want. Logically that should work right?

Hotline Miami Soundtrack

Can anyone give an opinion on Call of Juarez? I've had my eye on it for a while, but I can't decide if I should buy it or not.

I don't expect them to come out right now. But I would love to see them or know they are in the works if they are. I want them to give me a good reason as to why I own this console. This is the second E3 Nintendo has had with the WiiU, and I expected more than Mario. They essentially announced nothing new. I

Because I wanted a new HD Zelda, or Metroid, or Star Fox or maybe a Kid Icarus or even something completely new. I love the mario franchise, but I'm just about burnt out on it. Mario Kart is fun but I don't really have a lot of people to play it with, and it isn't really game I'm interested in playing online. I

Stick a fork in Nintendo. Seriously considering trading in my WiiU and putting that money toward a PS4.

DuckTales and Oddworld are going to be available on PS4 right?

I love that gif. Probably my new favorite.

Yeah i've learned his attacks, it's just hard for me to get the timing down on when exactly to dodge or attack. It doesn't help that I'm playing on pc and the frame rate is all over the place. Ill get him eventually though.

I'm stuck trying to beat this asshole right now. and I'm having kind of a difficult time. I've gotten him over half way down a couple of time, only to be taken out by his double spin attack.

How so? I loved the first game. Haven't gotten around to playing riptide yet, but if the gameplay is as fun as the first I'm really looking forward to it.

I've checked all my drivers. Thanks for your help though.

You should give it a try anyway. It is hard for sure, but I still think it is more fun than frustrating.