
How can you be disgusted? You have no idea what the context of the whole situation was or what the guy was actually like.

Because the new muppet movie was great.

It's from the new muppet movie. watch it. it is great.

I would say it was Palpatine. What makes him so tragic to me (other than Hayden Christensen's terrible acting) is that I don't think he saw it as choosing evil. He saw it as a means to save someone he loved, and everything else were just the consequences to that choice. It was what he had to do to save his wife.

It was his choice, no doubt about that. But there were things that influenced his choice, as you said. He wanted to stop death and he wanted to do that to keep Padme from dieing. If Padme hadn't been in the picture, he might never have yearned for that power. I can't say that for sure, but eliminating a major

How so?

The thing that pushed him over to the dark side though was the visions of Padme dieing during childbirth. He didn't want to lose another person that he loved. Which goes back to why it is a good idea for jedis not to be in emotional relationships like that. Granted Palpatine manipulated him, but he didn't really

I think most of us tried to.

We will have to agree to disagree about the film collapsing. It may not make perfect sense, but I'm okay with that. I enjoy trying to fill in the holes, and coming up with my own theories. I'm truly sorry that such little details get in the way of you enjoying, what I think, is a very good movie. Not a great one

It is a machine and it is only as sophisticated and it's programmers make it. For all we know they only programmed that particular machine to work on male anatomy. It could in fact only be programmed with Weyland's anatomy structure. As bad as the man wants to live forever, he probably has all sorts of implants and

Earth may have already had life at that point, but maybe the jump started the human race. We did evolve from all of those things that you listed off up there. The fact that we aren't exactly like the engineers, I think would have to do with evolution. We ended up different because we adapted to different

I'm pretty sure the medical pod was on the ship for weyland, and that is why it was geared toward the male anatomy. Just in case he has some sort or health issue on the trip, or they actually found some way through the engineers to keep him alive.

I thought she was awesome and really funny. To each his own.

I liked Routh and I like Kevin Spacey at Lex. Parker Posey stole every scene she was in though. She was one of the highlights of that movie for me.

This looks really interesting. Thanks, I'm definitely going to read this.


That is a wonderful explanation.

There were definitely things I enjoyed about the movie, but most of it I was pretty indifferent about. It just didn't feel like one of the originals. It was a serviceable escape for a couple hours, but it isn't a movie I want to go back and watch over and over like the first three. I don't hate the movie. Seeing

I was totally in denial of how bad the movie was up to that point. I said fuck it after that happened though. I don't think I've even tried to watch the movie again since I first saw it.

Damn you and your infallible logic!!!