
I also meant to ask how Lego Star Wars is?

I know everyone keeps saying street fighter is awesome on the system, but I'm just not into fighting games anymore. Idk maybe I should give it a shot. I just didn't want to get it only to get bored with it and never play it anymore.

I got one of the black ones and I def agree that it is a beautiful little piece of technology. I have caught myself just turning it over in my hands a couple of times admiring it.

I enjoyed Hunters as well but I never finished it. Just couldn't get into that. I love the Prime series on the gamecube/wii though. I just love the 2D Metroids sooooo much though. I hope Dread does become a reality for the 3DS soon.

For some reason when I read your comment all I could think of was vagina dentata.

Haha yes that is exactly what needs to happen. I think so anyway. I had a blast with Zero Mission for GBA and I think a new game like that would be awesome on the 3DS.

I live in a town of about 5000 people. I'm not expecting to get a street pass hit for awhile unless I go to Ft. Worth/Dallas or Abilene. Most of the people I've shown it to here, even the ones that are gamers, hadn't even really heard of a 3DS.

a 2D Metroid. I think that would be fucking rad.

I put about 8 hours into Ghost Recon: Shadow Wars this weekend. I can't get enough of this game. I have tried playing Final Fantasy: Tactics Advance, and it was ok but I couldn't really get into it. I can't get enough of Shadow Wars though. Its a lot of fun and it has been very challenging in some areas. I really

It really isn't that bad. I've never had anyone play any pranks on me. I think it's a fun day to have a birthday on.

Thank you.

Why thank you.

Thank you very much.

It's my birthday today!!!!!! Yaaaaaaayyyyyy!!!

It is really pretty. We have that one as well. We have been buying all of the re-released Disney movies as they have become available.

I'm probably not going to get much time to mess with it tonight because my in-laws are in for mine and my brother-in-law's birthdays and we are having a crawfish boil. But I still plan on sneaking in as much time with it as I can.

Yeah it is incredible what they can do with the restoration process for movies now days. Sleeping Beauty is a really good example and The Cowboys with John Wayne is another great example of how much they can do now. The Wizard of Oz also just looks like a completely different movie on Blu-ray. I don't mind buying

I GET MY 3DS TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Feels like its been so long since I commented here. I'm getting my 3DS tomorrow. I got Pilot Wings and the Ghost Recon game. I can't wait to get my hands on it.

This will be a definite buy for me. Looks like a lot of fun.