
That shouldn't be a problem. I'm just really excited about more Back to the Future storyline. Like I said I'm not much of a PC gamer anyway, so playing a game on the computer in the first place is going to be a little uncomfortable starting out.

The 1931 Dracula is hard to beat, along with the 1941 Wolf Man movie. Both are a couple of my favorites.

Mario looks like shit now. Sure I love the way it looks but that is because I played the hell out of it when it first came out. Someone who played it for the first time now probably would like the way it looked. As fast as technology advances and graphics keep getting better, it's not going to be the look of games

The one on PSN is just for one episode though isn't it? It isn't for the whole series like the $39.99 on is on steam I don't think. I could be completely full of shit though.

I can't wait to play this game. It looks fantastic.

But it's more expensive on the console isn't it?

I'm not much of a PC gamer, but I fucking love Back to the Future. I think I'm going to have to break down and buy Telltale's BttF game this weekend. Everything I've read about it has been great, and I'm excited about continuing the BttF story. If I enjoy this one a lot, I might go ahead and pre-order the Jurassic

There has been a consistent lack of it on every site I frequent. Its such a fun game.

The book is amazing and the movie completely misses the whole point of Richard Matheson's original story. Its a shame. I've heard that Omega Man is a closer adaptation of the book, but I haven't watched it yet to confirm.

I think that would be a genius idea.

Have you read I Am Legend? They sure didn't try very hard to stay true to that book. But I completely agree with you. I just don't understand his reasoning behind any of the changes, and how they can even still call it an Uncharted movie.

I don't think Mark Wahlberg reeks of bad. He's a very talented actor, I just don't see him as Drake at all. and I don't think DeNiro and Peschi fit in to the equation very well either.

I don't have to let a damn thing go. I also don't have to let my money go, and I don't plan on doing it either. Not to be bitter. I understand how Hollywood works and I know he THINKS what he has in mind is going to make a better movie going experience. I just don't agree with him at all. Either way I still have

I assume it will, I just haven't been able to find anything confirming that. I'm buying the game either way, but my wife really enjoyed watching me play Portal. I thought it would be cool if she could actually play with me this time. Plus, with it being a game that doesn't require you to be shooting people while

Does anyone know if the Portal 2 is going to support local co-op as well as online?

Sounds like this could be worth checking out. I'll have to keep an eye out for it.

That sounds really awesome. I'm def going to keep my eye on this. I heard that it will be coming to the US. Thanks for the detailed breakdown as well.

I honestly never had any type of gameboy at all until I got a DSlite. I never did a whole lot of handheld gaming at all until the last few years. I've missed out on a bunch of great games over the years. I'm trying to make up for that now.

I'm very excited as well. I'm about to be 26 years old and this will be the first nintendo handheld I've ever gotten at launch or anywhere near it. I'm really looking forward to it.