
The Balrog fucking rocks. One of my favorite TAY pics ever.

I've never taken a train anywhere before. I live western, central Texas. I have no clue where to even locate a train that carries passengers around here. I think I would like a train ride though. I don't have a problem with flying, but I haven't even been on a plain in about 6 years or so.

Man, Predator is a movie full of great one liners. It's definitely one of my favorite sci-fi movies.

@N-Robes: Actually the difference that are in SMT are what attracted me to it in the first place. I've tried a couple of FF games and just couldn't get into any of them. That kind of put me off of JRPGs in general.

@N-Robes: I'm not sure really, I've just seen a couple previews of the game on IGN and Gametrailers. I think the game looks fantastic. I really love the whole time travel aspect of the game and the battle system loom really fun too. I'm really looking forward to it.

You know what else is coming out in February? Radiant Historia, which looks like such an amazing game. I will buying instead of Bulletstorm or Killzone.

@Sakilla: Like I said I can't wait to play some more. I already think Mercury Steam did a good job of capturing the "spirit" and atmosphere of the earlier games. I'm excitingnto see what else is to come.

@PrinceCoyote: Yeah I agree. They did to lengthen the game. I would much rather have had them include a couple more dungeons but oh well. I still enjoyed the overall experience.

@Ackbar-is-The-Boss: Preferably both but since i have to pick one I'm going with 3DS. Just love Nintendo's franchises.

@P4KO: It is a really fun game. I had a blast playing through it. It's a great remake of the original. After I beat the game I played a little but of the original since it was unlocked. I thought it was awesome that they included that on the cart.

Accomplished my gaming goals this weekend. I beat Metroid: Zero Mission Friday night, finished up Wind Waker yesterday afternoon and started Castlevania: LoS this morning.

@Kovitlac: That's true. It's a slippery slope. But it could be just as bad down the road not knowing what could have been. That's just the way I look at it though.

@Rawrnosaurous: I think the story kind of compensates. I think if you can do awesome in two of the 3 categories then you can sti get by and have what is considered a great game. Even though like you said strong gameplay is supposedly the most important.

@Kovitlac: The only way to really know is to tell him right? I know it's much easier said than done, but what's the worst that could happen?

@Skunky: How is 4 Heroes of Light? I've almost picked it up a couple times but never have done it.

Hopefully I'll be finishing Wind Waker and moving on to Castelvania LoS. I'll probably also be finishing up Metroid: Zero Mission.

I've never played a pokemon game and I'm interested to try one out. Which one would you guys recommend for DS or GBA?

@Chrystolis: That is a very good point as well sir.