
@Mulder: I don't have a problem with the price, but I'm tempted to complain just to have you elbow drop your cat. video please?

I have to admit I'm a little interested in Madden. I think it would be a cool game to have a portable version of it. Pilot Wings is a game I will def get too. I don't really see much else I would be interested in at launch. Maybe LEGO Star Wars or Rayman. Samurai Warriors Chronicles sounds interesting.

This is def one of the games I will be buying.

Anyone know how much internal memory will be included and whether or not it is expandable?

Has anyone mentioned how much internal memory the 3DS will have?

So I started playing Wind Waker on Monday night and made it to Dragon Roost Island and saved and called it quits for the evening.

@Ueziel: Those are 3 games that I def want as well. Along with starfox. I don't care if they are putting out updated versions of 64 games. They are two of my favorites from that system. And they are portable versions. Effin A Cotton.

@Platypus Man: Yeah i'm not worried about the price. I just traded in 8 games on Amazon for $115 so I'm only gonna have to pay $135 plus the cost of a game or two. I have no complaints right now except the lack of launch software info. I really want to know what will be available on launch day.

@Eisenbart: don't know exactly yet what will be out on launch day. They said they want to have 30 games out by the time E3 comes around in June.

@Platypus Man: its four days before my birthday. I already made a deal with my wife that I won't buy any games until the launch so I can get one on launch day. Which is awesome, but I have to miss Dead Space 2, Bulletstorm and Killzone 3 for a few months. but that's ok.

I'm anxious to find out more about how this AR card works. Anybody have more info on it?

so pilotwings is a launch title in the US?

I'm hoping for a $250 pricepoint. As far as games go I'd also like to see a couple more than what is opening in Japan that would appeal more to American audiences and also something that would take more of an advantage of the 3D technology. I didn't see anything in the Japanese launch titles that I think would be

@Runed: I listen to several different ones regularly. I listen to The Nerdist, Doug Loves Movies, Joe Rogan's podcast, g4tv.com's feedback (it's an hour long podcast all about video games with Adam Sessler and a rotating panel of g4 staff) and IGN's Keepin' It Reel is alright as well. There are a few others I listen

@FallenAce: Yeah but then you could throw out Death Race 1 and its direct to DVD sequel. I agree he sucks.