@BubbleF**kingBuddy: Why conflicted?
@BubbleF**kingBuddy: Why conflicted?
I have to admit I'm a little interested in Madden. I think it would be a cool game to have a portable version of it. Pilot Wings is a game I will def get too. I don't really see much else I would be interested in at launch. Maybe LEGO Star Wars or Rayman. Samurai Warriors Chronicles sounds interesting.
This is def one of the games I will be buying.
@linklonk07: Awesome, thank you sir.
@Recoil: Sweet.
Anyone know how much internal memory will be included and whether or not it is expandable?
Has anyone mentioned how much internal memory the 3DS will have?
So I started playing Wind Waker on Monday night and made it to Dragon Roost Island and saved and called it quits for the evening.
@Ueziel: Those are 3 games that I def want as well. Along with starfox. I don't care if they are putting out updated versions of 64 games. They are two of my favorites from that system. And they are portable versions. Effin A Cotton.
@Flaeor: Thanks.
@Platypus Man: Yeah i'm not worried about the price. I just traded in 8 games on Amazon for $115 so I'm only gonna have to pay $135 plus the cost of a game or two. I have no complaints right now except the lack of launch software info. I really want to know what will be available on launch day.
@Eisenbart: don't know exactly yet what will be out on launch day. They said they want to have 30 games out by the time E3 comes around in June.
@Platypus Man: its four days before my birthday. I already made a deal with my wife that I won't buy any games until the launch so I can get one on launch day. Which is awesome, but I have to miss Dead Space 2, Bulletstorm and Killzone 3 for a few months. but that's ok.
I'm anxious to find out more about how this AR card works. Anybody have more info on it?
so pilotwings is a launch title in the US?
I'm hoping for a $250 pricepoint. As far as games go I'd also like to see a couple more than what is opening in Japan that would appeal more to American audiences and also something that would take more of an advantage of the 3D technology. I didn't see anything in the Japanese launch titles that I think would be…
@Runed: I listen to several different ones regularly. I listen to The Nerdist, Doug Loves Movies, Joe Rogan's podcast, g4tv.com's feedback (it's an hour long podcast all about video games with Adam Sessler and a rotating panel of g4 staff) and IGN's Keepin' It Reel is alright as well. There are a few others I listen…
@FallenAce: Yeah but then you could throw out Death Race 1 and its direct to DVD sequel. I agree he sucks.
@Trakata: Thank you sir.
@strikephoenix: Yes that is very unfortunate. Podcasts makes my day go by so much quicker, and there are just so many good conversations to listen to.