
After reading the reviews I have come to the conclusion that I need Epic Mickey.

@p4w4rr10r: My wife and I really enjoyed playing through that game. We are playing through DKCR right now.

@JRock: I really want to check that out and Cthulhu Saves the World. Both of them look great.

I was just about to inquire about Chulhu Saves the World in TAY. Can't want to check that one out.

@shouryuuken: I'm thinking about getting it just for our new years party. I think after some people got a few drinks in them it would be a lot of fun.

@Dr. Tobias Funke (Analrapist): I was at home and I still felt like a huge ass, but I was laughing the whole time I was doing it. I was surprised how fun it was.

So...I tried the Dance Central demo that is included withe Kinect Adventures and actually thought it was pretty fun. My wife and I both laughed at myself quite a bit. I think it would be a blast at parties.

So my dad bought Kinect for my wife and I this weekend. I had no clue how out of shape I was until I had my ass handed to me by the intermediate stages in Kinect Adventures. No I'm motivated to work out though.

@adinnieken: We use netflix quite a bit and we use last fm a lot. we will also be using hulu a lot when it comes on the 360.

Won't be seeing this one.

@BigKeithO: My wife will play it with me at first but I know she just wants it for the workout stuff. Which it wouldn't hurt me to try that out as well. But I know the novelty of playing the games will wear off and she won't game on it anymore after awhile just like with the wii. I just want to know that I will

@brandoshido: It's usually just my wife and I. She wants it for the workout stuff I know that much. But I'm sure as far as gaming goes it will end up being just like the wii. She will play it with me at first but then the novelty will wear off. When that happens I want to know there are other games I can play and

I completely agree on this. My wife was thinking of getting it for me for Christmas, and I told her to hold up. The launch stuff is mediocre, and I haven't seen any indication of what the future holds for Kinect. I know there are some games that are coming out next year that will allow you to use Kinect to play the

I didn't honestly care anything about this game until I read a couple of write-ups on it on this website and a couple other. I have to say I'm on board and plan on buying the game. If it was in black and white it would only sweeten the deal that much more. I would def play it in black and white.

This sounds really cool. I'm not a big fan of the GTA games but Rockstar has made me a fan from Red Dead Redemption and this looks really promising. I'm definitely doing to keep and eye on this.

When does this go live?

@BattleMoose87: other than needing a flight stick what did you think of it? Are there any flight sticks you can get for the 360 or PS3?

Anyone else thinking about checking out Apache Air Assault?