
@MathIsHard: The second one is definitely my favorite. I love the first one too but RE2 is probably one of my top 5 games of all time. I enjoyed 4 even though it was such a departure and was more of an action game. But I thought 5 was awful. Don't get me wrong gameplay wise it was a decent game. I didn't really

@Sublethalend: It was worth it for me. It is a LOT different than Fallout 3 and NV but if you can get past the differences it is an enjoyable game.

@MathIsHard: I would skip RE5 if I were you. I sure do wish I could get the times I spent playing it back.

@sin_yes: I've been able to watch live football games during the beta. Since it went live I haven't messed with it yet. But yes you should be able to watch live events.

So I bought the original Fallout on gog.com last night. I was little intimidated at first with everyone telling me how much harder and different it is than 3 and NV. After I got far enough around the learning curve to know what I was doing I have to say that I'm enjoying it a lot. It is certainly much more

I'm ok with waiting as long as it is polished on release. I loved the first one and thought it caught some unfair criticism due to the comparisons that were made between it and other games. I had a lot of fun with the game.

I went ahead and bought it. I like supporting the Indie guys and I had an extra 120 points that has been sitting there for some time. Don't mind trying out a cheap oldschool RPG.

As a huge fan of the first game I have been concerned about them saying they are making Isaac even more powerful. It kind of reminds me what they did with Jill in RE3. I don't ever remember having to conserve my ammo and run around enemies in that game like I did with 2 and 3. Not that I ever had to do that in Dead

@freedomweasel: I can't for life of me remember what I did with my N64.

@Asmo917: Looks like I might get me a 64....

@freedomweasel: Actually I've already checked prices and it would be cheaper to get a 64 and the game.

So can anyone tell me how Goldeneye is? I really really want to play some Goldeneye, but I don't have anywhere to rent games where I live. I'm tempted just to buy a 64 with the original Goldeneye so I get the experience I'm looking for. I'm sure the original will be awful by today's standards, but I'm sure I could

@VincentGrey: Ok here's what I found. Go to Control Panel Administrative Tools Computer Management Storage Disk Management. It should be there in disk management for you to reformat. Hope this helps.

@VincentGrey: I had this same problem and I unfortunately can't remember how I fixed. There is certainly a way though because I got it to work. Have you tried reformatting?

@EbolaOcho: Its not dead. just dormant for the time being. It will be back.

@Kryters: That is what is so disappointing. Medal of Honor was one of the first shooter franchises I played. I didn't play it because of the multiplayer. At the time if I wanted to play multiplayer I still played goldeneye or conker. Medal of Honor started out at a single player experience and a fantastic one for

Parents are responsible. End of discussion. Consoles have parental controls to lock them out, and a parent should have enough interest in a child to know what it is they are playing. The Government should have nothing to do with it.