
So I had no plans whatsoever to buy a 3DS until yesterday. And now I can't think of a reason not to. I'm really excited about the system and the majority of the Wii titles they talked about yesterday.

@Captain_Goober: No argument here. Nintendo knocked it out of the fucking park man.

I would love to see Bomberman 64 make a comeback. I loved that game.

@Chrystolis: All I could think was,"Holy shit, Gabe. Open mouth, insert foot."

Nintendo just killed everything else.

I'm pretty excited about this. Hopefully news on Zelda. While I don't plan on buying one I'm interested in the 3DS as well.

@gnargle: Well shit. alright thanks.

@Al Swearengen hates cocksuckers: This is a show i've been meaning to check out but just haven't got around to it yet. Maybe i'll get around to it soon.

I'm playing through Super Mario Galaxy 2 with my wife and I was wondering if anyone can tell me what the stars with the question marks on them are all about after you find all the starts in a galaxy? Does that have to do with the comets or do I have to get all of those too before the comet will show up?

I have to say that was pretty awesome.

@xybur: touche sir.

One day E3, one day.

@Master Chef: I never said there would be any loss, or implied that there would be at all. I was just referring to the fact that if it isn't any good or if something isn't done "right", according to the fans, there will be a big backlash since it is such a cherished property. Now I would be disappointed, no there

I'm not sure how to feel about this. Making games based on Jurassic Park is one thing, but going in the direction of Back to the Future is a whole new animal to deal with. I'm excited at the possibility of an awesome Back to the Future game, but I'm a little worried at the same time.

@Gyaruson 2.0: Ok i knew about the comets coins and comets but i didn't know what kind of challenges it would open up.

@Gyaruson 2.0: How do you unlock the purple coin challenges?

So I got the first star you get from going down the slide in the tall tree galaxy on super mario galaxy last night. That was soooo much fun, and I love the music from the penguin slide in super mario 64. Pretty awesome.