
@Duuuuuuude: I like that a lot. Can you suggest and album to look up?

@Capolupo: Well a lack of social life isn't why I avoided it cause honestly I really don't have one any more anyway. I have however been able to avoid them to date anyway. The Old Republic sure is making it hard though.

@Manly_McBeeferton: I say its magic. That way you don't even have to bring science into it and I'm not required to think that hard about it.

I read this the other day and thought it would make for a good discussion. After reading this I do think he makes some good points, but I think the developers would have just ended up making the same game with a different skin on them, if they had gone with another IP. Especially in the younger generations of

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in awhile, you might miss it."

@Tevor_the_Third: I agree with all of those games you posted except Borderlands. Now, I did have a lot of fun with the game, but if you take away the cell shading and the drop-in drop-out co-op, its pretty much the same as any other FPS. And I don't see those two aspects as any kind of game changer as far as FPSs go.

@chrollo0427: From what I understand they are already done with Singularity.

@Alex_Mexico: I would think they would have to be working on a different Call of Duty game besides Modern Warfare 3 right?

@Pitchswitch: I agree. There are still tons of people who download music for rockband. I think the release of rock band 3 will definitely give us a good gauge of how much life this particular genre has left.

@spyderr0de0: I have to admit that may have laughed out a loud a little bit.

I read this yesterday and thought it would make for a good discussion. After reading this I do think he makes some good points, but I think the developers would have just ended up making the same game with a different skin on them, if they had gone with another IP. Especially in the younger generations of consoles.

Man I can't wait for this to come out Tuesday. Between this and Alan Wake plus Super Mario Galaxy 2 coming out I'm gonna have a lot going.

@Killer Toilet: I wouldn't count on that. The Halo Reach Beta couldn't overtake MW2 for the multiplayer.

@CALkulon: Like you name by the way.

@Shrewsbury: I think the only thing I did different was sent Tali through the tunnels.

@Shrewsbury: See I did almost those exact same things except I have lost jacks's loyalty when her and miranda had their argument. I sided with miranda obviously and lost jack's loyalty over it.

@arionfrost: I could very well be wrong but I don't think our sun is big enough to supernova. It will more than likely turn into a red giant and eventually go from that to a white dwarf.