I actually really like his interactions with Bobbi (if nothing else)
I actually really like his interactions with Bobbi (if nothing else)
It's already worse this season than last. Why not go for broke?
Lawyering 101 - it's always more complicated than that
I had trouble telling them apart, although that may be because of my TV
What character is that? Neither has done much of anything.
Couldn't they have just given Tripp something new and different? I mean, it's not like we knew much of anything about him anyway, except his grandpa was a Howling Commando
Institutional racism doesn't mean "every" character will be anything. It means that there's racism in, well, institutions. There is racism in the institution of Television/Film. It's not in every single director/writer, but it's there.
Tigra isn't inhuman, is she?
Which is why it's okay for a hero to do that…
Flash is quite good. Small sample size, but better than AoS and Arrow on a per-show basis.
He may have been sort of trying to keep her alive, for experiment purposes.
You mean 'inhumanly gorgeous'?
She hasn't done any meaningful fighting, has she?
Presumably, he got out because it had been sabotaged
I thought RF said something along the lines of "I told you not to hunt me"
Why would Wells have the costume? And (I assume) charge it with tachyons?
To me, it's kinda lame, but I can deal with it. But if they made Thea go completely off the reservation, it could just about ruin the show for me if they didn't handle it right.
You have heard of polar bear swims, yeah? Now imagine that instead of random people, we have one of the most well-trained and disciplined fighters in the world. This was nothing.
If Thea did it of her own free will, that would have been quite the twist, but only because I think it would be actually impossible to explain without being ridiculously stupid and out of character