
It seemed to me from this show - which is friggin hilarious - that it was inspired by "Chuck Norris vs. Communism," which is this wonderful documentary on Netflix about Romania in the '80s, where their TV was just a propaganda outlet of like 2 channels, so nobody would watch it. But with the advent of VCR's, the

Lena Headley just had a child like 2 years ago, so it's probably cool.

Yeah, normally I agree, but this one seemed to just dissect it right out of the gate, and for like 3 paragraphs.

I thought about that, but I wonder if he made the connection. As far as he knew back then, she was some scabby servant boy he never really paid attention to.

You mean Needle? That's not Valyrian steel.

I thought about that a little as well. They didn't totally smash through until Drogon blasted a path through, then there was an overhead shot of some Dothraki running parallel to the line, with some Dothraki pouring through the fire where Drogon had blasted, and then a lot of the Lannister line just crumbled around it.

He had already one surprise when Bran retweeted him to his face, and then to see the long lost little Stark girl get the best on Brienne, he's all "Every day I wake up white in a city that ain't."

Yeah, I caught that look on Bran's face also when he handed her the dagger. Not to mention the amount of attention he was giving the dagger in both scenes with it, like he recognized its importance in the past - and maybe the future - and couldn't believe he was actually holding it in real time. He was actually

lol, not initially, but I am now. Good call.

B- for this review. You spend too much time discussing the showrunners' motives and shit. I mean, there's some room for that, no doubt, but it's kind of the running theme of this one. Meh.

We almost got one closer to Hudson from Aliens, "Game over, man, game over!"

I don't sleep on planes. I don't want to get incepted.

Today's winner of the internet.

Yeah, McMullin was on a podcast with John Dickerson and Emily Bazalon - a Slate podcast - and every time they tried to ask him what he would do about a particular issue, he would deflect and just talk about needing to have an honest process and character and so on. He was more anti Trump than anything else, so

A couple of months ago, John Oliver called Congress "534 people less annoying than Ted Cruz. And also Ted Cruz."

Something other than poking him with a stick even. Why not a sniff test. *sniff*sniff* "Seem fine to me."

Kind of what I hope. I would like to think she'd just sneak in, get the lay of the land.


Yeah, he's playing the old Game, which he learned from the same father that taught his siblings the same Game.

I thought Clarke and Harrington have improved over the run, but as I have read a couple of times this morning, it is true that they are not the most subtle actors on this show.