
It’s called SIOC. Ships in it's own carton.

Random passwords are bad passwords. They’re no harder for a computer to guess than any other password, but impossible for (non-savant) people to remember, which means they typically end up resetting the password repeatedly until they tire of the process and instead pick an easy to remember password instead (IE, a bad

Some of that investment is going about 15 miles down the road from me in Arlington, VA. News stories over the last couple of weeks show that the first two buildings of HQ2-National Landing (aka Crystal City or Arlington) are close to approval. Stories have been also talking about the local amenities that Amazon will

Here in Northern Virginia. Thanks NYC. Amazon is going to double down here, and we’ve already got a shit ton of their AWS and Government Cloud datacenters!

Title should indicate "perception" of time, because I came here looking for black holes and relativity. 

You make a compelling argument.

Just a warning, you’ve managed to trigger the shit out of the brain dead commentariat of these sites with your statement. Voicing any opinion contrary to “BLEREARHGHGHG ORANGE MAN EVIL DESTROY!” tends to do that. Their replies will only get dumber and more poorly thought out.

I don’t think you need duet if you are using a Mac with an iPad.

Fuck all the haters saying it’s not enough. Before yesterday they weren’t doing shit and now that they’ve committed $2.5 billion dollars towards it, people are hating on them now? They would’ve been better off ignoring it than taking flak like this. What a bullshit move.

You do know your assholes, sir/madam. I cede the floor to you.

That's the only way I could twist it into an NSFW image, too ¯\(°_o)/¯

Actually............. It does look a lot like a cock ring.

Looks like a wave... Not at all anything close to NSFW.

Im sorry but what in the actual hell is this article? A sperm? That’s a stretch, by a long shot.

BLAH holy crap, how much did your new G/O handlers pay you to write this f*cking garbage pushing people over to Tik Tok

ps: that last sentence/bit of ad hominem is what people who lack an argument do. 

Because public health works on a precautionary principle with regards to evidence. Take the advice to pregnant women to consume 0 alcohol, for example.

There has never been a case of FASD, as far as we know, without a pre-existing condition of diagnosable alcohol or substance abuse. It has probably never happened that

Yeah that's what they told me at my gym.

I bought the game just to force myself to do some cardio so I can avoid medication.

I tried it for two days and woo I might not be in shape enough for this game. I only did ~15 minutes each day, set one level above casual, and my legs were killing me - my toes were even burning yesterday. I think it’s the squats. The

Nice blanket statement there, jackass. I’m a smoker and always use ashtrays; if I’m not around one, I put it out on my foot and stick it in my pocket until I find one. Go take a look at all the other litter in the gutter: that’s right, it’s not just smokers...the majority of litter is caused by fast-food packaging, so