
It’s all America’s fault.

Do you even Gawker? The home of burning down people on accusations and 20 year old tweets? Or is a woman doing it totes cool but James Gunn or Kevin Hart should be shunned for eternity? I mean fuck, even Ellen (a lesbian tv PIONEER, mind you) gets dragged on this site because she wasn’t mean enough to Kevin Hart.

Fact: Soda takes years off your life.

...what do these “influencers” look like in 5 or 10 years?

Well, it didn’t take long for his apologists to slither out into the light.

They’re like fucking Houdini, you should have seen the disappearing act after the girl who was shot in Houston.

That is my bet. They rolled.

Right now there is a police investigation, so they are taking statements, interviewing witnesses.  The reason for a Grand Jury is that in theory, they are not yet decided that an actual crime was committed or what it is.  So, it is not surprising, regardless of what the police or prosecutor plan to do, that for now

If he did send that letter, that’s a federal indictment. 

It’s not racism. Not everything can or should be explained according to a contrived narrative. Chicagoans and anyone who knows Chicago, and I lived in that neighborhood for 5 years, felt his story had gaping holes from the onset.

Understood.  I forgive you.

Please stop defending him in any way shape or form. There are no mitigating circumstances with child molestation. He was a scumbag predator whose deeds rest solely on his own shoulders. Of course he had help-but no one was forcing him to destroy these boys’ lives.

I am curious what you "walls don't work people" think walls have been built for for literally thousands of years. So, every generation of humanity up until now foolishly believed walls kept things out or in but it's only now with the genius of modern liberal human veal that we now know all of that effort was wasted. I

I EARNED two degrees as an adult (!) on the promise of the second-tier American Dream reserved for Black folk

Pshaw, I take it all back. I just learned about a use of “dabbing” that I didn’t know about before! Blindspots are fun!

Carpenters, plumbers and electricians are in demand and make good money

As a family physician, your take is utter bullshit.

No, it really isn’t complicated or worthwhile. It’s a colossal waste of time. It’s not about sexual assault, and it never was. Anyone who tells you they believe it was is lying for attention, or is very easily manipulated (and also likely illiterate). Pretending that this is some sort of somber discussion about a

Shatner is pretty reasonable. Those clutching their pearls over this song - which has been ridiculously taken out of context - have not been reasonable.

Such is outrage culture. Imagine all of this wasted energy had been channeled into something productive? lol... I can’t wait to see what’s in store for 2019.