
How did Matt Lauer get away with his acts without his superiors at NBC knowing? They knew. How did Les Moonves get away with is improprieties without the CBS board knowing? They knew, Everyone at CBS also knew about Charlie Rose and the producer of Sixty Minutes. Now that accusations have come out against Tom Brokau,

Because they are teaching that America is bad. They don’t mention the 1,000,000 legal migrations per year; plus asylum; plus family unity, etc.  If we are so evil, why do migrants pass through other countries to arrive here?

When your children are between six and 17 is when things fall off; researchers guess this is because of general family anxiety, which ratchets up when your children can talk and walk around and need to apply to college.

I have these. They’re fine but the little pull string comes off really easily. Not a big deal, just kind of annoying.

I have these. They’re fine but the little pull string comes off really easily. Not a big deal, just kind of annoying.

it’ll be the most stolen car ever.  its name is already “taken”

My guess is they wouldn’t let her use the bathroom because she didn’t buy anything?

One thing that is easily overlooked and often skimped on is a solid PSU. No its not flashing and it won’t bump you benchmark shores up. However, it’s a real shame to whatch a multi-grand rig go up in literal smoke beacuase of a cheap PSU.

I think my country’s law is actually worded so as to ban “inciting violence towards an ethnic group/sexual minority”. So perhaps it’s not that different from US law.

An alternate perspective in the interest of sanity:

Interesting that you bring up Scarface. I’d argue that the message I take from it, i.e. about the nihilism and ugliness of such a self-destructive an selfish worldview, is not the message that the folks wearing XXXXL Scarface t-shirts or putting the poster on their wall are taking from it. The tension between the

We all know film violence doesn’t translate into real life violence, so why are you mad about a pro-gun film at all? Seriously. Because you find the politics offensive? What do you think this film will cause, pro-gun...feelings? It won’t cause violence. You know it. You think a bunch of people will join the NRA and

I ordered 9 things on amazon this weekend and i hope my city wins the amazon 2nd HQ. The biggest employer here pays no local property tax and was incentivized to build here. Then it brought 20k professional jobs to the area. This town has gone through a massive boom because of them and its a great city.

“This is America, cars are supposed to be big.”

The thing is...he did establish possession by any reasonable definition of that word. He had the ball. He controlled the ball. From the time that he caught the ball until the time he crossed the plane there is no bobbling or juggling or movement of the ball to signify a lack of control. He has the ball in his

I absolutely agree with you, but if we are being consistent, the NFL needs to change the rule about runners maintaining control as they hit the ground as well. If the ground can cause and incompletion, the ground should also be able to cause a fumble.

I’m sorry, but you guys sound as stupid as the birthers. Don’t get me wrong, Donald Trump is a shit head, but that dossier is clearly garbage.

Uh, lots of kids with absent fathers learn to play sports perfectly fine. My father didn’t teach me shit. It’s all about being motivated to play. I wanted to play, so I learned by watching others.

For a party of open minded people you sure have a lot of stereotypes and paint people into corners don’t you?

Latino here that believes in enforcing laws. They can get in line to get in legally just like my grandparents did. By the way, your a good example of the ignorant left lol!!

You should try and meet a trump supporter and talk to them, maybe they’re different than you picture, maybe they voted for trump because they can’t afford they’re taxes or cause they had no one else better to vote for. Assuming people are something you hate is never good and it what leads to racism.