
Even though the reader said she didn’t want to replace them because “there’s nothing wrong with them” the answer is just replace them. There is something wrong with them and that is they won’t run the current version of Windows as she desires. There’s nothing wrong with my old 39" tube TV sitting in the garage but it

Well you did mention something about the rate of incarcerations in your opening comment as if what Obama did was somehow different. And of course there are many others who have turned a blind eye to Obama and FDR and see this as Trump and only Trump. Isn’t that the whole point of calling them concentration camps? No

LOL. If you only knew, but you don’t. 

And you don’t know the meaning of hypocrisy. And you know what, I’d rather live in Alabama than next door to a fuck-tard like you any day of the week. At least people down there are polite. You, you’re just a parrot squawking out the anti-Trump hate. Wanna cracker?

Same rate? Does that really matter? People were being detained. Here’s an article on it and another.

That’s for the thoughtful response. Now go fuck yourself and stop wiht the whataboutisms. Have a nice day.

I can’t tell you exactly where all asylum seekers are being held. I do know that some were transferred to Seattle to this detention center. Does this look like a concentration camp to you?

First, no one is against helping women masturbate, just advertising that fact in a public setting. Second, as I stated, Viagra et al is to treat a medical condition. If there were a pill for women I’m sure it would be treated just like Viagra. A sex toy is a supplemental device, which is not required, to achieve

In your liberal, hypocritical eyes. Saying you want to put blacks in chains? Really? It’s disgusting and you know it.

No, though you have to admit that if you asked people to define a concentration camp most would reference Nazis and Jewish prisoners even though Nazi concentration camps were used first for political prisoners and people deemed to be abnormal (homosexuals). Generally speaking I would say a concentration camp is where

Take the high road. I object to the inflammatory comparison to concentration camps. If you want to discuss whether we need detention centers for illegal immigrants, that is a discussion we can have. But the bombastic rhetoric (on both sides) is tiresome. 

There’s currently a debate about what to call America’s system of concentration camps for immigrants.

No it’s not. Read my response above.

Oh how quickly they forget

Bring your wallet! Nothing in that area and surrounding areas is even remotely inexpensive to live in. But think of all the money you can save by coasting downhill.  And if your battery dies you can push-start the car easily.

Not repressed. Suppressed. Not everyone is interested in your bedroom antics nor do they care to share their intimate moments in public. I think there are lots of people who are entirely open minded about sexual adventures they just don’t want to publicize it and frankly I agree with that.

Because one is a medical device the other is a recreational device. It’s like comparing a flu shot to a shot of whiskey.

But for very different purposes.

Lol been there done that. When I first learned to drive a stick our driveway was a decent uphill slope. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve rolled back and almost off the driveway. Eventually I got it. I’d stay out of San Francisco though. Those hills are steep!

Probably in this case. Just saying she might want to be more prepared for the next show.