Wacky Tobaccy

Dead Heat was awesome. Who doesn't like Dead Heat?

But remember when Cruddup says nothing happens by chance. It's actually quite possible they were lured there by Weyland-Yutani as an experiment/test.

They wanted good ole natural procreation happening on that planet.

I think the prologue movie pointed out that he and his wife were pretty 'stick up your ass' higher-than-thou kinda people.

I've always loved the synthetics in the Alien movies, so I'm not complaining too much.

I don't know why no one noticed this. David never actually cut off his own hand! He just hid it in his sleeve. You can see when he pops it back out at the ending shot of him walking away and clasping his HANDS behind his back.

No one is "giving" it to you, so the only whining here is coming from you.