
That Asshole: my inauguration is going to be the yugest, most glamorous star-studded amazing event ever. All the biggest names are calling me up, begging to perform for me and my supporters!

I’ve been cutting back too. But I know myself. Once it all hits the fan I’ll be face first in a bowl of wine. I think of it as a psychological defense mechanism, much like laughter.

I had to go create a burner to comment because I’m paranoid. If my family ever found out about the abortion I had three years ago, I probably wouldn’t have much of a family left. Although they are idiots when it comes to this topic, they’re my idiots and I love them.

Yeah, it’s a rant. The OP mentioned a crumbling Democracy as if it’s only now crumbling because of what Trump’s doing. I was trying to say it started crumbling long before. He’s more like another symptom of the crumbling than the result.

I am a 17 foot tall Tyrannosaurs Rex and will protect anyone who gives me belly rubs.

Really, Bull Moose? Really? Disheartened and confused? Because when a black person on TV calls us “cracker”, or says white people are insane, actually, I laugh. I think it’s great.

has no compunction about putting boots on the ground (see Iraq War)

Now playing

Speaking of Serafinowicz, he just uploaded this like 15 minutes ago.

I like to imagine the other villagers just coming up to her and...

Putting this out as a reminder, abuse doesn’t always involve physical harm. You don’t have to have bruises in order to seek help from a shelter. Threats are abuse. (This includes threats of suicide if you leave.) Breaking your possessions is abuse. Punching walls is abuse. Withholding and/or controlling money is

I agree completely.

squaresign is this dude from yesterday.

When a powerful U.S. Senator is delivering copies of Pizzagate conspiracy theory manifestos to the director of the FBI, this equivalence will become valid.

Speaking as a member of the traditional media/journalism world: we are fucking PISSED.

Do you know how many horcruxes we’ll have to hunt down? This is going to take forever.

Russia has been cultivating Trump for at least five years

fave joke thus far: