Oof, thank goodness you evicted such a rotten tenant in good time.
Oof, thank goodness you evicted such a rotten tenant in good time.
If there’s one thing I, personally, learned from this election, it’s that the stale loaf of white bread slathered in Miracle Whip that is the stock GOP is not the scariest thing in the world. Pence is a rancid boiled egg soaked in putrid ranch sauce, but it’s nothing we haven’t dealt with before.
Meanwhile I’m insured through Obamacare and pregnant and terrified. Thanks a lot, assholes.
AH. another victim of IrisJK I see. Well hopefully this time she’ll be dismissed.
Please keep your shrill opinions about what we’re allowed to be sad about to yourselves. You know who you are. I’m going to be sad about this, I love Star Wars, I love Singin in the Rain. Poor Billie Lourd.
Let’s see:
I’m sorry about your mom. I lost my mom when I was 23, too, but it’s probably farther in the past for me than you. But it’s so hard on the animals as they don’t know what’s going on, just that everything about their world is wrong.
Who is cutting onions in here. STOP cutting onions in here.
Noooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!! Why did you have to post that?? I’m sitting here thinking I am a terrible person because as sad as I am about Carrie, I feel even worse thinking of poor sad and confused little Gary. Then I see this picture and just lost it. Oh, man, she has just got to pull through this.
I hope that if she had any sort of understanding of what was happening to her in the moment, and if this is truly the end for her, that she at least knew that she had someone in this world that will take care of Gary for her.
Maybe you think you’re helping? You’re not.