Wacko Leader

Well, if they protested with their hands down three of them would have been shot to death.


Please change your handle to "Idiotwithcomputer" so we know what kind of imbecility we are about to peruse under it.

Well I didn't know so many illiterate Conservative Fucktards knew how to spell "Progressive", so I guess we both learned something today.


Well, did you read the original text? It looks like something a frustrated 10th grade bully would write:

"Well I've got news for people who think that way, cops have first amendment rights too, and we plan to exercise ours."

Issuing apologies is something that the Ravens and the NFL should be issuing to Janay Rice, not the Rams to the St. Louis police department. To say that best practices are backwards in this league would be a vast understatement.

You mess with the ram, you get the bubble wrapped, pillow lined, marshmallow horns set on a field of fluffy down.

Not that I'm particularly surprised but still.

So it sounds like the real story is that the judge believes Goodell lied and he did know exactly what happened in that elevator.

The NFL is so evil it turned Ray Rice into a sympathetic figure. The only logical outcome of this is that he signs with New England so everyone can go back to hating him.

I think we have evidence of that already. It was done from about 800BC through 400AD and gave us what we call the Bible.

Ya because the bible is so much more credible than Wikipedia

Even that was very Raider-y. Oh, look, the Raiders found a Running Ba...oh, look, he's leaving with a Concussion.

1. U no read gud

an NFLPA spokesman told Schefter that Peterson's lawyer gave the NFL a letter stating that they couldn't turn some documents over because it was against Texas law, where Peterson was charged.

So then the teachers were in on it?

* you're

So take the time to get them the right replay. Seriously, ABC had it up just fine.

i just lack sympathy or any type of concern