
All Canadians get that 17 week parental leave. Either the man or woman can use it.

True. This reveals the existence of an angular silver turd alternative.

The Cybertruck makes the Cybertruck look like an angular silver turd. 

This makes the cybertruck look like an angular silver turd

America is garbage

All it needed was a theme to be the world’s first DONK.

Sad to see you go man! Hope the new site is excellent!

Wait, one of these gun-humping pro-sky wizard GOP figures is a hypocrite?!

Bottom line:  People are stupid.

Really this is consistent with the “dumb man logic” he’s used throughout his life to make all his decisions.  Covid is “just a cold” and he he just has to “tough it out”.  Of course, since he’s supposedly, the leader of the country, his “dumb man logic” has gotten hundreds of thousands killed, and that may include

Because FUCK YOU, that’s why. Seriously. Thassit.

Why are they all so proud to be so dumb?

As well you should.

Just when I think his idiocy can not go any higher...

We are living in the WalMart of countries.

Can’t make a complaint about panel gaps if there is no panel on the car.

Once Tesla hears that you didn’t pay for the optional convertible package, you’ll be getting a bill in the mail.  

If Biden bites it, it just accelerates the President Harris timeline.