Sean Murphy

I'm an Uber driver! I've had three people vomit in my car over the past year, and now I'm very curious as to whether or not they were banned.

Ian was aware Louise could see the future. Think how incredibly angry he'd be if their child died, and she never told him at all.

If I tell you that your child will die, you'll decide not to have her. If I then tell you about all the happy moments you'll have with her, you'll probably still choose not to have the child, because it's way easier to imagine the pain of death than the joy of a loved one you haven't met yet. Louise didn't tell him

Given the writer's love of Bowie, does anyone besides me think that, with The Monarch and 21 spending so much time as The Blue Morpho and Kano, somewhere in the last episode, 21 will excitedly say "We could be heroes!" To which The Monarch sighs, rubs his nose, and says, "Just for one day."

I think this is wrong. The parade is mentioned to be the Von Steuben Day Parade, and that's in September.