
My mother gave me the best advice for a Rocky showing. (She is the costume director for Portland’s Clinton Street Cabaret) You will be wondering what you should wear. Wear that thing that you love, you know, in the back of your closet, that thing that you just haven’t found the right place to wear to yet, but that

Mrs Lastname is fine in my eyes, but the saddest thing I have ever seen was a USO with a ton of black and white portraits of women who had been coordinators and ombudsman, all of them with “Mrs. John Smith” (et al) at the bottom. Their names had been erased, even while they were being honored for the work they had

Yeah, I changed my name to my husband’s because I hated my father and wanted no reminders of him in my life after I was an adult. And both my maiden name and my married name were equally difficult to spell. Someday, I think I am going to change my name to something like Fire, or Wolf, or something equally badass and

In the books that involve small 1800’s British children, the little boys are often called Master Lastname by people such as the butler and nannies. While the term “Master”today has some other associations, I always liked the distinction between Master Smith, who was probably 8 years old and a little brat, and Mister

The only thing I can think of when looking at the Sexy Pizza Rat costume is that Rizzo would approve.

“Or it could be his way of saying “sorry not sorry” for handing Beliebers a reggaetón-alluding track built on a hefty dembow that’s going on festie playlists.”

I posted on the Shout Your Abortion facebook page, but I don’t see a single comment supporting this campaign, or anyone else sharing their stories.