I think they backed off and they won’t introduce the 48-team format until 2026.
I think they backed off and they won’t introduce the 48-team format until 2026.
I absolutely love how frightened he is of an accusation of hypocrisy. Him being a hypocrite is like his least offensive character trait. Most people are hypocrites. Be shameless in your hypocrisy, Mitch! Save your shame for the white supremacist sympathies and your role in the downfall of the greatest democracy in the…
The concept of Democrats standing for anything at this point is laughable.
We didn’t even redraw their borders. They’re getting off light.
Deny quorum and they will just send the Capitol Police to arrest them and drag them back in cuffs. Senators can be compelled to attend, with force if necessary. Happened once already 1988. Capitol police found him and carried him in feet first.
Fitting image. Because what, ultimately, is the distilled objection to the Mob? “Hey, what you’re doing to me/demanding of me/ how you’re going about your business is unfair and/or illegal.” And the Mob’s, like, “No shit. We’re the Mob. We can’t be shamed and we’re not looking to win a fair fight.” The GOP, and…
As someone who is supposedly part of the “punch left crowd” according to the Cool Kids, he should be done regardless. But yes, holding all 49 Dem-caucusing Senators is absolutely the least he can do, and if he can’t the writing is on the wall.
Unless Chuck Schumer is able to magically change the laws of math, he has zero ability to deny quorum.
Wow... that is an incredibly moronic take, even without the power of hindsight. And I’m on thin ice as someone who never like Clinton!
Beat me and probably everyone else who saw the byline and immediately thought of this to it.
How many votes did Trump win New York by again? This kind of pettiness is dumb. If Pareene lived in Ohio, or Michigan, or Wisconsin you’d have a point, but he doesn’t.
As true as it is that the DNC will take future progressive challengers more seriously after Ocasio, it’s also true that those progressive challengers will likely have more populist support because of people learning about the coalitions Ocasio was part of.
The real reason is money stuffed in to the pockets of centrist collaborators but there is no good reason.
I guess Mexico and Korea could be considered “Seoul Brothers” now.
Christ, I just went from internal screaming about Anthony Kennedy to grinning like a maniac.
I don’t know. I laughed out loud at “Bum Cuntflap.”
Well, it’s possible since it has the requisite amount of CAPS.