Except that she’s actually a terrorist. Take it from her accomplice:
Except that she’s actually a terrorist. Take it from her accomplice:
It’s amazing to me that you adopt this absolutist tone about an incredibly complex situation and expect to be taken seriously. Pro-Palestine, Pro-Israel - there are moral, ethical and admirable people on both sides of this debate (and many who don’t take a simple side). Anyone who doesn’t acknowledge that the…
I’m personally tickled how Odeh’s case, initiated in 2014 under the Obama administration, is now illustrative of the many issues of the Trump administration
Reposting this link.. Think some people on this page could stand to read it.
How about you explain why I should support a group of people who would beat and kill me for being gay if i tried to visit them? Why should i support the plight of people who want to hurt gay people like me? If I go to Israel with my husband, our marriage is recognized. If I go to Palestine, we get beaten down in…
It’s pathetic that the left is now trying to make “Jewish privilege” a thing. Make no mistake, these people are not on your side.
THIS. Thank you.
As a gay jew, I’m not interested in supporting Palestinians one bit. Sorry, but I’m not on you’re side if you’re not on mine. I’m not that self-sacrificing and I don’t need to be. Maybe I’d be more interested in decolonizing Palestine if the leaders of Palestine weren’t interested in increasing all…
We need to stop with heaping this ridiculous criticism of Emily Shire. In the same piece you criticize, she mentions her desire for a Two State Solution. If you wanna say that some (hell, maybe many) Zionists are too extreme and uncompromising, sure. But Emily Shire is not one of them. Her piece is a direct reaction…
Honestly, probably not... I just have been welling up with tears at my desk reading all this and I don’t know that I strategically hit “reply” before emotionally vomitting. Thanks for listening, though.
I for one, feel as unsafe with the people on the left as on the right at the moment reading this. You could just as easily put up some Pepe’s and Holocaust Denying memes and I’d be in as much of a near-tears fest at my desk.
Israel being a home country for Judaism would not preclude Israel being a free and democratic country for peoples of all walks of life.
You’re so right. Growing up, I thought antisemitism was a thing of the past. There I was, in my nice Jewish day school bubble, in an echo chamber, basically, of positive vibes. Then you hit the real world and it’s like WOAH WHAT THE HELL. And I live in New York, so I still barely get any of it. But my eyes are opened,…
I kind of agree, but I think a lot of people in progressive movements don’t really realize they’ve internalized a lot of antisemitism just from living in Western culture. I think people believe that because Jews aren’t being as actively persecuted anymore, the Holocaust is remembered as a national holiday, etc.,…
I know. That shows a lack of understanding about Zionism. There are bigots who fly under the banner of Zionism, this is true. But there are bigots who fly under any banner.
That is an important question, you are right. I don’t believe the Jewish people can be safe without Israel existing as a Jewish state. Despite how strong Judaism is in America, I truly do believe a lot of that is rooted in Israel’s security and prosperity.
a) with regards to South Africa under apartheid- did the world tell South Africa to cease existing; or did the world say “hey asshole- get your shit together! Get it all together, and put it in a backpack, all your racist shit. So it’s together. Then take it to the shit-store, or put it in the shit museum, and stop…
So you are saying that everyone who believes Israel should exist is a racist bigoted colonialist? Because I fight against the extremist brand of Zionism.
Hardline Zionism is about that, yes. But that’s like saying that radical Christians speak for all Christiants. Every groun has an extremist sect that needs to be reigned in.
Thank you. Some liberals are ignoring antisemitism within the movement because they automatically assume it’s just someone being pro-free-Palestine when no, sometime’s it’s genuine antisemitism.
I’m pretty sure Zionism by definition is believing Israel has a right to exist, not whether or not Palestine does. So I’m not sure what you’re trying to say.