
With my bank, you cannot fall back on the charge being declined. I have had multiple calls with my bank over this because they keep pushing their overdraft protection to me and I don’t want it! Here is how it works with my bank:

So many of my workplaces have been hotbeds of junk food - either brought in regularly by friendly coworkers or provided by the company itself. Over the last few in-office contract jobs I’ve done, I developed a simple way to deal with this:

Except in rare circumstances, there’s no difference between routing 3 outlets to each built-in receptacle and all 6 to one. They all present the same parallel load to the circuit. But I wholeheartedly agree with the rest of your sentiments!

Except in rare circumstances, there’s no difference between routing 3 outlets to each built-in receptacle and all 6

I recently got one of these and while the AC outlets are great, the USB is pretty noisy. I planned to have my chromecast audio plugged into one port and my USB powered speakers in the other but I had a terrible hum and the CCA would reboot randomly when playing audio. Now the USB ports sit empty and I use another dual

I recently got one of these and while the AC outlets are great, the USB is pretty noisy. I planned to have my