
5 years ago I remember everyone saying McGregor was the only good thing about the prequels and everyone wanted an Obi Wan standalone. Coincidentally, 5 years ago people were excited about an Avatar sequel. Feels like people have moved on and Disney missed the boat on both.

Like the Muppet Show or first 3 movies?

I hope he adds some CGI Banthas to those George Lucas versions!

I can’t believe that Addams Family Values “just squeaked by” between the two Addams films. The Values script, its pace and its comic timing are so much improved over the first film, the original one hardly keeps my attention.

I can’t believe that Addams Family Values “just squeaked by” between the two Addams films. The Values script, its

The problem these sequels have created is there is now no longer a reason why Skynet can’t just start the annihilation of humanity a lot earlier. Originally, all they could do was send one Terminator with no fancy weapons back in time. He was formidable, but he was pretty much limited to trying to take out Sarah

“It’s not like he has a concrete list of examples of funny things he has written and directed.”

This is especially shitty for bi people, because she plays into the exact stereotypes that get us scorned by monosexuals in the queer community, not to mention how little straight people understand us anyway.

Miley was co-opting queer culture to make a buck. Period, end of story. 

Yup exactly my reply. We have laws to keep ourselves civil. Anyone who doesn’t act within those laws is a lowly thug.

I think you missed the part where she/masked vigilantes/the (very racially integrated) police are not necessarily better morally than white supremacists.

Coincidentally, I was thinking about rereading Elfquest. I haven’t read any of it since the early 90s.

and the Rogue One prequel

Dawn of the Dead. The original.

And thats why they worded the headline like that. For the clickbait

I only minded because other guests were waiting to use the bathroom.

I don’t know how you watch that stuff. Like, the world is horrible enough with out seeking out these cases.

And there’s this from the Hollywood Reporter...  such a good lesson about privacy and so well done by Rip.  

I say this without a hint of snark: I didn’t know Rip was still with us and I’m sorry to hear he’s gone. I am of the age that I remember him as a flamboyant curiosity during his numerous TV appearances in the ‘70s and, even though I knew at a young age that it was a good bit of schtick, he seemed to be enjoying

Who’s number 3?