Britt is clearly a Gustaf-stan.
Britt is clearly a Gustaf-stan.
That was the Dark Tower movie from 2017 that bombed.
Umm, you know many, many bodies weren’t found and Ground Zero is the closest a lot of families have to a final resting place for their loved ones, right?
Remember that time she hosted MTV for 24 hours straight and when she found out they wouldn’t let her air anything she wanted - as promised - she decided to just randomly disappear for hours at a time and MTV interns were scrambling around trying make it look like everything was going okay?
If I remember, she wanted to…
But the sanctity of marriage...
Does anyone else hear the cats in the background of Glenn’s videos? I’m not just imagining things am I?
I remember people thinking it was real.
(Disclaimer: I was in grade school when it came out.)
Not really. A sequel twenty years after the original is less cashing-in and more beating a dead horse.
Except Jones claim was that chemicals were turning “the friggin’ frogs gay”. That’s not what that article says. It says that pesticides cause male frogs to mutate into female frogs. That’s not gay and that’s not ground breaking information.
We’ve known since the 60's that certain chemicals can cause fish and frogs to…
Statistically though, they do hurt Trump in the general. When an incumbent president is challenged in a primary, even if wins overwhelmingly, he tends to not do so hot in the general election.
I don’t think you understand what I’m saying. If you’re poor to lower middle class, yes, J. Crew is expensive.
Middle middle class and up, not so much. And I’m not talking about that article, I’m talking about the prime time hosts. They ranted and raved like the Obama girls were wearing $1,000.00 outfits. Keep in…
There’s a script that’s been available online for over a year. If it’s fake, it’s damn good because every scene in the trailer matches something from that script. It reads like a mash-up of Taxi Driver and The King of Comedy.
When a script reads like someone to the first half of Movie A and the second half of Movie B,…
Well, another Venice Film Festival premiere that’s getting glowing reviews is based The Painted Bird. So I guess plagiarism is really in this year.
Not every Jim Henson creation is a Muppet. The Muppets, the Sesame Street cast, Fraggles, and (I think) Emmett Otter and friends are all Muppets (along with some other one-off creations) but stuff like the creatures from The Dark Crystal, the Sinclair Family from Dinosaurs, the Labyrinth goblins, Audrey II, and Yoda…
I don’t know. The Obama daughters wore J.Crew once and the Fox News’s went on rants about elitism like they were wearing $40,000 Haute Couture pieces.
I hope someone told Karl Urban (loud enough for Sorbo to hear), “I loved you as Cupid in Hercules.”
He embraced Cocaine Mitch, ironically but still. His campaign sold t-shirts and baseball caps capitalizing off Cocaine Mitch.
I think that’s what bothers him so much about Moscow Mitch. He can’t turn around and own it, even jokingly. The name is rooted in his refusal to pass legislation to prevent election…
You can use that same logic with any mental illness.
There’s documentation of eating disorders dating back to antiquity. They’re just not called eating disorders, but all the signs and symptoms are there. There’s even a lengthy essay called “The Eating Disorders of Saints”.
You haven’t heard of it because it’s not as…
The original offers one flavor of Gremlin. The sequel offers us a variety of Gremlins, some I didn’t even know I wanted. Salad Bar Gremlin, where have you been all my life?