
“Hi, I’m Chucky. I love all children equally.”


“I don’t care for Andy.”

Because they’re refugees who are entitled by US law to the right to apply for asylum. This has been discussed ad nauseam.

“Forgot his passport and we had to go home to get it it’ is code for ‘ate a newborn and showed our allegiance to Satan by kissing his hairy rump.” - Trump supporter, probably.

I don’t think she “realized” I think she knew from the start. She was trying to be cute. Clock the changing facial expressions.

I mean... Special K.

*She is not going to say it. I feel like she’s going to say it, but they’re not going to put in an anachronism that big just so Elektra can have a sassy line.*

“Wintour is coming!”

*She said it.*

Yes! It sounds like the name of a fictional porn studio in like a 80's Cronenberg movie.

Hey, Boy George has done other things. Like that time he outed Gwen Steffani’s husband.

Yes, unless they have Kevin Michael Richardson or Cree Summers as part of the cast, there’s a 95% chance that a black cartoon character is being voiced by a white actor.

Ovation is when a mature egg is released from the ovary, pushed down the fallopian tube, and is made available to be fertilized. 

Someone needs to tell Murkowski the House is trying to, but McConnell blocks all of it

I’m just glad Joan isn’t this Shameless and has some Addams Family Values.

Homer: *Pitching funny headline mistakes to the family* OkayDrought Threatens To Turn West Into Dessert! Yum yum! I think I’d like some whipped cream on my Wyoming!

Lisa: Dad. The word’s “desert” and those farmers are suffering! 

Homer: From what? Too much hot fudge? Hah! Yeehee! Come on Bart show me some love.


Without just doing intentionally to be goofy - which there’s no way he did, because he can’t stand to be laughed at - how do you even manage that?

The whole reason we have Fanta is because the US placed an embargo on Germany, meaning Coke couldn’t ship their syrups to Germany, so they had to come up with something they could make using the few ingredients available to them in Germany at the time.

Yeah. I was really down because nobody signed my yearbook on the last day of school, so - when our neighbor loaned my family his beach house for the summer - I decided to not pack anything (not even my Gore Vidal books).

When we got to the beach town, my mom took me shopping and I did kind of a grunge-y beach bum sort

Even if people don’t tune in to the live debate, they’ll still watch things like highlight reels. 

I liked Kennedy a lot (the Death Becomes Her “After a long night of hooking, trade didn’t like the session so he had gutted me..and set me on fire..but I didn’t die..bitch, I crystalized…and now I’m a Glamazon bitch, ready for the runway” chicken look will forever be one of my favorite runway looks based on the story

I think she became important in the later seasons when there was a rift in Daria and Jane’s friendship. There’s even an episode where her and Daria visit a college campus for the weekend and Daria spends the whole weekend being usual, condescending and miserable self, so Jodie calls Daria out on her poor little rich

You’re giving him way too much credit. He’s not that smart. Maybe his handlers and staff are capable of these kinds of stunts, but he’s not. He literally just felt comfortable/flattered enough to let down his defense and say something incredibly stupid. Just like when he told Lester Holt he fired Comey because of the