Funny you should mention that, I remember in one of his early Rolling Stone interviews, Moby called Lydon a sell out because he was wearing a pair of Nikes during a PiL concert in the late 80's.
Funny you should mention that, I remember in one of his early Rolling Stone interviews, Moby called Lydon a sell out because he was wearing a pair of Nikes during a PiL concert in the late 80's.
Slightly off topic: Does anyone know if Amazon is still doing Iain Banks’ The Culture novels as a television series? I think they announced that last year and then, a month or two later, the news about the Lord of the Rings series came out and I never heard anything else about it.
who burnt people to death and crucified them with no evidence (we’re just told they’re all bad people because if they weren’t bad then Dany wouldn’t have murdered them)
Sansa: Jon also can’t be king. His balls don’t work either.
Dany’s dragons were still babies. The largest of the Targaryen dragons was Balerion the Black Dread who was about 70 meters. And there’s speculation that there were dragons even bigger than him in Old Valyria.
I believe the studio Rankin Bass hired to do the animation went on to become Studio Ghibli.
I believe the studio Rankin Bass hired to do the animation went on to become Studio Ghibli.
“Don’t hop on our channel and continue to put down the other hosts on the channel—if you feel that negative about it, don’t come,” Kilmeade said.
I think the problem is people went in expecting some final big epic moment when that’s not how this ever worked. The penultimate episode has always been the episode with the WTF moments and big battles,the finales were always about wrapping everything up and laying the groundwork for the next season. Only now it was…
That would create a problem plot-wise because Jon was burnt fighting off the wight in the first season. Although, now I have a lot of questions. Are dragons bound to anyone of Valyrian descent? Or just Targs? Also, does the amount of Targ blood matter? Because I’m pretty sure Robert got the throne partly because one…
When Bran dies, the leader likely won’t be a Northerner. They a agreed to elect a leader from among the lords.
1.) To avoid a pointless war between the North and its allies and the Unsullied and Dany’s allies.
2.) Westeros owed a debt to the Unsullied for standing with them against the armies of the dead. She lost it there at the end, but they still viewed Dany as the queen who liberated them and their loved ones.
She’s going to bring them potatoes and tomatoes, changing the cuisine of at least 3 kingdoms for centuries. Also, chewing tobacco is going to take Winterfell by storm.
Arya: [Whispering] Sansa, the eunuch is standing right there.
Nah. I’m pretty sure she’s going to discover the continents of North and South Ameros. Lady Stark bringer of Smallpox.
Yeah. He’s definitely, at the least, lusting after Feyd. He also fantasizes about making Paul his sex slave, although he doesn’t know Paul is his grandson.
This is a post-Riverdale television landscape. I’m already pitching a gritty/sexy reboot of Madeline for Fall 2020.
That’s not really fair. The Baron was a debauched, lecherous, glutton with the most perverse tendencies but Harkonnen wasn’t a dotard.
The incestuous lust for a younger family member though? That similarity is spot on. And Don Jr. and Eric are basically just Beast Rabban x 2.
On that note, Aidy Bryant, who went to the same high school as McCain, was on Seth Meyers last night and she talked about how different her and Meghan’s experiences were:
In his defense, something like 75% of the population was or will be a crazy middle school basketball coach at some point.