I love it! Can't wait till I get my hands on the SDK and APIs for this thing! It looks amazing and has some amazing potential so I think is an amazing idea that Razer has come up with :)
I love it! Can't wait till I get my hands on the SDK and APIs for this thing! It looks amazing and has some amazing potential so I think is an amazing idea that Razer has come up with :)
Look super high prices now you know for a fact that this is genuine apples work #remainders
Some of these are really nice! How is the Hulu one really going to help when they start charging for everything. #mediacenter
This is actually really nice idea! probably could use this in a dark damp basement! #organization
This would be amazing if I actually got a Wave account! #wave
@GiraldoGalokie: It's not a code you have to be invited by someone, and one person only gets 20 invites. #wave
@Vash The Stampede: Why would upgrading to Ultimate be bad? You get more things with Ultimate than you do with professional. Professional is the second best package for Windows 7. #windows7
@mattycakes: Yes, it is actually recommended because they are saying that there are problems when you try upgrading from Vista. The estimated time for a fresh install is less than 30 minutes, but if you upgrade they are saying it can be up to a couple hours. As long as you have the install disk for Windows 7 you…
This is probably much better than soaking your feet in peroxide for a hour or so... =P #homeremedies
Doesn't this also continue the childish game between Palm and Apple with the Palm Pre sync? #itunes
Why don't you just get some of that sharkskin inspired material that repels bacterium? #flu
Now how does this compare to the amazing speed of Google Chrome? #firefox36
This is totally amazing! see if I had the patients to do this I definitely would, but since just about all the new operating systems come with media center. I think I will stick with the regular theme. #feature
This is actually a really useful article because it is very true most people don't know how to do this. For example everyone waiting on Cyanogenmod to create the rom for the android phones instead of just taking the source code themselves and doing it. So thank you! #software
This would be very useful and probably fun if I actually had the greatly wanted wave account! #googlewave
I like the fact that everyone hated Motorola, and then out of no where they just made this amazing phone. Personally I think that the Droid is going to do an amazing job against the competitors. #remainders
What these days isn't opening an app store? Seriously what happened to the good old days were you could just make a little program for what you wanted? Now everything has to be buy this buy that! #wave