
I think that’s called assault?

And how many times have you been punched or maced trying to perform this trick?

Men have a weird way of twisting “feminism” to suit their boners.

I hope they do “Springtime for Hitler.”

Hey, she and Tay-Tay are together on that list too!

Only problem with that is if it’s been a while and you don’t see them every day, they could have easily already bought it for themself or received it as a gift from someone else.

Or he notices hers is damaged enough that she’s won’t survive and wakes her up cuz she’s gonna die anyway.

I disagree with the headline 100%

Yeah, Blizzard definitely didn’t release the most successful expansion to WoW in years and years or anything.

3 am Saturday Morning.

Kids know when the trophy isn’t real. I hated getting trophies when I didn’t win, it felt like it was just rubbing my face in it more. Even in teeball when they don’t count the score, I would call bullshit after every game ended in a tie. I’d be like, “we scored 4 more times than them, how is it a tie?” And they’d be

I’ve heard this argument a lot, but I think it assumes kids are wayyyyy dumber than they actually are.

The 100.
Great show. Get past the first couple episodes they used to sell it to the CW and it’ll impress you.

As a woman, I always get jealous when I see these pocket bags come up as people’s everyday carry. Heck, women are lucky if their pants have pockets at all (faux pockets are the bane of my existence). I don’t have a single pair of pants with pockets that would accommodate a 5x7 bag, heck, most women’s pants won’t

Well, as long as you know what you’re doing.

You’re too dense to understand what he’s doing. He is doing something that you, for all your sanctimonious self righteousness, are incapable of doing: having some empathy with what that person’s thought process and communicating in a manner that he will understand.

I’m a Liam kind of gal myself, but any of them can get it.