
The sentence could still be better (just not as the guy above put it). As it is now, it reads like a run-on. For example, the sentence would be much “cleaner” with a semicolon.

You are just wonderful at making unjustified stereotypical assumptions based on virtually NO information, aren’t you?

Jultvee, Joultvee, JolTvee... Jolervee, OshTak... Jaolvtao, Jaulvtee, Jalvtee, Jalvtao, etc....

Where there’s a market, there’s a blackmarket.

S-Classes aren’t even that bad and you can turn it all off. Just wait and see what the new Lexus LS has in store. My bet: 500 million driver observing techniques.

First of all, I only buy 220s if the records are all present and are to my liking.

My vote goes to any dirt cheap and early production P.O.S. E65 7er out there.

140 or 220.1 V8 S-Class = all you could ask for.

Should’ve found a pre-2003. I could have talked to you about it if I knew. But, I know people with the M137 V12s; they have over 300k miles on them at the moment.

That’s a Disco 2 LR setup.

Imagine the face of Stephan Winkelmann if the engineers can’t beat an American Jeep in the numbers game...

Hmm... I didn’t realize motorcycles had 4 axles/wheels.

Ha, I remember back when Project Gotham Racing had them.

I have news for you: Every person, network, and reporter working for any party has bias. Bias is the way of humans.

It must be the local sources you’re seeing. We have the same reporting here.

He must be in a government building that has access to Windows 98.

Now playing

Speaking of the F-35 and optimization here’s a new F35A 181-round firing test of the left wing-mounted gun.

An MDX is the last thing I want in this segment. The Volvo is the first. I’ve personally experienced both.

I still remember this conversation.

It didn’t matter if it was even on a tune or not! The thing was still faster than most all FWD vehicles in handling and the engine was a blast. The K20 was made for fun and you certainly don’t need the 220 bhp with a $500 ECU tune to have fun.