
Okay- as a 987 owner I have some ideas about this.

I’m going to do my best Robert Cumberford impersonation here.

There’s this little vampire’s tooth on each side of the hood on both the new E and C class cars.

Is an Android operating system car autonomous? (;

If it plays it back later it won’t work- modern systems already have encryption.

Works for me! That’s like only one in seven physics professors are now women.

If this is a repeater all you need is measure the time between the transmit and receive signals and if they’re more than a micosecond you probably have a secondary system intercepting and repeating the signal. Wouldn’t need an entire digital stream to verify distance, just one single pulse in both directions.

This isn’t about encryption- this is a repeater with a much longer range. All this does is takes the 315MHz or 434MHz signal from your car and amplifies it so it can be heard by your keyless entry fob, which then emits its reply signal which is again amplified by the repeater and sent to your car in return. Devilishly


“Flatbeds can get anything up...” That’s not what their wives tell me.

I’m not so sure... when I use the physical key to open or close my old E-class the keyfob LED blinks. There is constant communication between the fobs and the car even when the fob is not used. Some cars (I’m not sure if the E uses it) have encryption which would render any copying device almost useless.

Now he’ll be forever a legend (lower case) in your eyes.

I pronounce it “Bock-stirr” Hard to hear me say it with the top down.

Last time I took out a car loan was late 2008 (I know, good time for it) Honda gave me 0.99% for my Element for 4 years. Dealer suggested I put down as little as possible- with that amazingly low rate I was getting a lot more on investments in the intervening 4 years than 1%...

The original Legend was the best looking Acura sedan.

I’ve got a W211 estate (d’uh...) It’s cheap, fun, and can easily last hundreds of miles between major repairs.