I'd like to know what kind of lap time she'll get on the Nurburgring, personally.
I'd like to know what kind of lap time she'll get on the Nurburgring, personally.
Wow, this is a really brutal PCH... but I have to vote Longchamp. There's not a single body panel left on that thing, nor did they provide a shot of the engine bay, which I'll assume is horrifying. At least the Bricklin has a recognizable power plant sittin' in there.
True, it will cost a lot more than a Veyron, but doesn't Bugatti lose tons of cash on every one of them? I'm pretty sure they mentioned that on TopGear... that it was a financial loss just making one.
I'm in the "dear god look at the body panels on that Jensen" camp. That big, fancy rear window would probably cost you as much to fix as the DB5 would to buy. Not to mention, as others have pointed out, WHO CARES?! Once you're done, you have a car that about 20 other people are interested in.
I still don't see any legitimate reason why they should add this. Maybe a Force India could hang next to a Renault out of a turn or something, but why make it mandatory? I think there's more genuine competition without it.
@JB_Finesse: "Nissan pickup frame" was the last thing I read before immediately firing off the email to Murilee. I knew it was a winner, but I really expected it would be a landslide.
It looks much more like his father, Anthony.
@newfmike: Although there's only one image to go on, it sure looks like he's standing in front of the entrance to a development. Anyone driving too fast IN the development certainly is worthy of a ticket... but any parent that lets their kid play near the four-lane road is a moron.
Had to vote Torino due to the insultingly-high price. Get over your car, brah! I wouldn't even pee on it if it caught fire.
With the huge spread of lawn leading up to that road, and what looks like 4 luxury lanes of asphalt, why the hell is the speed limit 25 on that road anyway?!
Hey, at least the cool styling of the Volvo will keep you inspired while you work on all the body rust. That Cougar has nothing to offer except horrendous looks AND gas mileage. Not to mention, you'd have to seek out RV parking just to stop in for a burger somewhere.
I think maybe Button was behind the yoke on that run. I mean, come on, a Lear Jet can completely annihilate an F1 car. They should've raced from a start line, and let the Lear get up to 100% thrust.
@Grrrrrrrrr: Yeah, if this were an official Ford model, I'd have to say it's the best-looking Escort of all time.
Although I find absolutely nothing about that Grand Nationalmino appealing, I still have to go with the Goggo, just because there's more work ahead.
God, I love those old Alfas, but that puppy is done. The body rot, as many have said before me, makes it completely worthless. The only decent panels on the whole thing are the firewall and the inside of the engine bay!
@graverobber- Two drink minimum: Yeah, that is one of the best views I've seen from a 'Ring video, but YouTube destroyed it. I wonder what the original looks like...
Wow.. that white Cobra is about the gnarliest thing I've ever seen! Although, something tells me that the two in this photo are the last ones still on the road. I was born the year it came out, and I've yet to see a full-on Cobra with that trim package that doesn't have grass growing up through the floorboards.
I am sure the Jensen would reduce you to tears before you even got 'er back home, but I have to go with the Lotus. Every single element of that vehicle is damaged in some way or another.
That 3-Series is just plain absurd! Look at how big they had to make the center console just to cram the transmission in there.
That is the biggest, most deformed J-Lo booty I've ever seen on a car. Ain't no fellas gonna be askin' you to back THAT thang up.