
I broke my iPhone 4 2 weeks after it was released and I called AMEX. They told me to email them a picture of the broken phone and they wrote me check for $650, the price of a new iPhone 32GB from AT&T. I cashed it in and took the phone to Apple store where I traded it in for a brand new one for $100. Profit!

Next poster? The word tacky doesn't even begin to describe this. McLaren and Ferrari did a way better job.

Used to send way more than 100 when I had a girlfriend. Now between 20-100.

Can I get a 600 month loan at 0% (for the remainder of payments). That I might be able to actually afford.

The Lamborghini looks like a toy

I don't think there will be another F1. F1 was so out of league of every other company when it debuted. But Ferrari and Lamborghini are standing shoulder to shoulder with the P1.

I can finally retire the zipties that have been ruining the aesthetics of my desk.

A good display, keyboard/touchpad, batterylife

Reading research papers (I have to read about 10 every week) and notes for school (prefer my iPad3 at home and N7 elsewhere). Gaming (prefer N7 - not a single one on my phones). I also use them for browsing, reading books and Youtube (iPad at home, nexus 7 at school and elsewhere). I also use video chatting on them

Should have just used a flywheel instead of all the battery. Not that it makes a difference - I probably won't even get as chance to sit in a parks one.

Go Addy!

A pretty honest article (from having been born there)!

29 apps + 2 jailbroken widgets on my iPhone 4S, 26 apps + 3 widgets on my S3 (not counting stock apps)

For a second there I thought this was another Harlem Shake video or something

Please put back the older commenting system. i and many others love reading the comments and the side scrolling means ypu have to click the mouse a lot. It just got way harder.

For minor works around home, it saves you a lot of money if you do it yourself instead of calling a electrician or plumber who will charge you a min of $100 for something that takes them 10 mins but might take you 2+ hours.

You know, Costco gas opens at 6. I usually fill up on my way to college - its practically deserted in the early morning.

Except the actual reason to have it is for showing off (I have an elephant in my yard). It is more like a status symbol. Costs as much as a mercedes and even more in 'service' since you need to hire caretakers.

They are mostly good natured, my grandparents own one! They use them for festivals whether it is church, temples or just politicians.

I had a 2010 stock Camaro 2SS for nearly 6 months. I liked everything except sitting in it. I got rid of it because I hated the visibility (even the mirrors were tiny) and driving position. It looks like this fixes the first issue ;)