Anker Soundbuds Slim+
Anker Soundbuds Slim+
Anker Soundbuds Slim+
Anker Soundbuds Slim+
The critical problem is of course that there are multiple bathrooms in a typical house and only one poop emoji.
Also, I assumed his comment meant that, in real life, he would be going in drag since he is not, himself, trans.
His penis is distracting me from work. Oh God, make it stop! Can't. Look. Away.
Thank you, yes.
Can everyone stop being so easily offended for 0.4 seconds?
Omg her spine is so fat!
No, it's just a REALLY good will suck in space and time as well as your waistline.
I don't know why you visit it either, I guess. You a) don't have to read every article nor b) agree with everything posted in order to get something out of any source. If you really think it's that bad, and can't live with the differences between you and the writers...well, stop reading. *shrugs*
I don't have a lot of…
So bad makeup is now part of a person's body?
I just wikipedia'd that. Someone move this rock so I can crawl out from under it. Sheesh!
Guess the Oscar winner?
Nodding off and nodding out are not the same thing. I am a tired person and I often nod off on the bus. Not the same thing as nodding out. I hope this (clearly bright and lovely) girl is ok.
I hope the mother gets some help now, but even more so I hope the little girl is well looked after and happy. Thanks for the update, Rebecca.
She can be feminist and be a terrible person. Would the Atlantic be cutting down a man for those activities? Because THAT would be a good defense of feminism.
So, because she's a cruel and calculating person, she can't be a feminist? She obviously believes that men and women are equal but she also believes that her and her husband can crush everyone and everything on the road to power. Her self-interest supersedes her interest for everyone else except Frank. She is…
You're comment came off as it being a place for intellectual debate and conversation. Why don't you go try this bullshit on like, BrooklynVegan's comment section or Huffington Post.
How do Palestinian tears mix with vodka?
What this article failed to mention is that the soda stream plant in the west bank actually employs palestinians, and treats their palestinian and israeli staff equally. the palestinians working at the plant have benefits and living wages, which if you actually care about palestinians instead of just being…